
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Miss Charlotte Anthony, 22, Killed in Fall from Car, March 2, 1925

Salisbury Girl Falls from Car and Killed. . . Door to Coupe Somehow Came Open and Miss Charlotte Anthony Fell Out

Salisbury, March 1—Miss Charlotte Anthony, aged 22, was fatally injured when she feel out of a coupe last night at 11 o’clock. She and Banks Sloop of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, were returning home from Mooresville where they had been during the evening, and when they were near the Rowan Cotton Mill, just south of the city, the car door came open from some unexplained cause and Miss Anthoiny fell out. The car was going about 20 miles an hour and when Mr. Sloop got it stopped he returned and picked Miss Anthony up and carried her to her home, 606 Maupin Avenue. She was conscious and did not appear to be so badly hurt but when a physician arrived, he saw the seriousness of the wound which was in the back of the head and she was taken to the Salisbury Hospital where she died at 2 o’clock this morning.

Miss Anthony had been employed as a clerk with the R.W. Walker Lumber Company for three years. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Stotts, and six sisters. Four of the young sisters are at home, another, Miss Glenna Anthony, is a member of the school faculty at Statesville, and a married sister, Mrs. Margurite Goldman, lives in New York City. Interment will be at Glen Alpine where Miss Anthony’s father is buried, but time of the funeral awaits word from the sister in New York.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Monday, March 2, 1925

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