
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

'Keeping Up With Farm Women' November 1937

“Keeping Up With Farm Women” by Jane S. McKimmon, State Home Demonstration Agent, from the November, 1937, issue of Carolina Co-operator

Vance Has New Market Location
Vance County now has a new location for its farm woman’s market and new customers are coming in each market day. There was always a faithful group of regular buyers who came in to the market in Henderson, but the old stand was not as conveniently located as the new one.

Today there is room to display products—more interest in displaying them and increased sales in consequence.

Nash Building New Club House
They are building the Benvenue Community Club House in Nash County on a beautifully wooded lot donated by the city of Rocky Mount and everyone is lending a helping hand. Even the children are cutting undergrowth and carrying water to the workmen.

John Barrell has made an interesting model of the house for display and the Red Oak Club donated their excellent building plans to be copied. WPA agreed to help with workers on the building and put a large force to work, which means rapid headway is being made.

Caldwell Library for County People
People who have never had an opportunity to read before are reading book after book through their home demonstration club meetings in Caldwell County where books are distributed from traveling libraries.
Eager Readers will walk two or more miles to get them and Pine Mountain, Kings Creek, Sawmills, and Dry Ponds communities feel that they are blessed to have book.

Forsyth Recognizes Leaders
The Forsyth County Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs recently recognized Lora Leight and Nannie Sue Johnson as two of the county’s outstanding farm women. Miss Leight has been an active member of the Walkertown Home Demonstration Club for 19 years and Miss Johnson has been a leader in the Pine Grove Club for 13 years. Both have excellent records of achievement.

More News from Across the State
Mrs. Josie Wright of the Broadway Community in Harnett County installed at the cost of less than $50 a hydraulic ram that is pumping 300 gallons of water into her home every 24 hours.

A score of recipes for preparing sweet potatoes to temp the palate is in a booklet sent out by the Division of Home Demonstration Work, State College.

A check-up on the 4-H Clubs in Lenoir County shows a sizable increase in the number of girls in all clubs.
Mrs. Jodie Shipp of Durham County sells from 30 to 40 loaves of home-baked bread on the curb market every Saturday.

Mrs. Willie Davenport, garden leader in the Swain Home Demonstration Club in Washington County this year sold $100 worth of field peas from three rows.

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