
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Durham County Women Speak, 1957

The Durham County Women Speak, November, 1957 issue edited by Dot Vanderbilt

Many of you have heard the report on Home Demonstration recommendations at the Achievement Day program. Several of you read the report in Monday’s newspaper. You know by now that most of the Home Demonstration program points that we were working for have been granted. The program will remain essentially the same as now. Many, many thanks go to the Durham County women who came to the rescue and helped spread the word. You can be justly proud that you helped keep our fine program. But the job is not finished. Even as we were pioneers in that project, we must lead the way in setting an example of cooperation and good will with the Extension program. We must continue working to make Home Demonstration even more meaningful and far reaching. In our hands is the responsibility of future generations. 

We cannot, we dare not, let them down. Lincoln said, “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in.” May we as Home Demonstration members strive to continue the work we are in.

Officers’ Training School
Attention all newly elected officers! Wednesday, Dec. 4, is your day for training, fun and fellowship. The meeting will be held in the Agricultural Building beginning at 10:30 and ending around 2 p.m. Bring a bag lunch and plan to attend the entire program. There will be a discussion of parliamentary procedure and special classes on the duties of each officer.

Here and There
Fairview girls met at the Agriculture Building for their October meeting. The covered dish luncheon was delicious as always. They displayed their prize-winning articles from the County Fair. Just think, these fine ladies won 27 prizes. Mrs. S.L. Nifong gave a good demonstration. They had three visitors: Mrs. Owen Parrish, Mrs. J.E. Tilley, and Mrs. H.L. Canada. The club made a donation to the Needlework Guild.

Pineland ladies met at the club house with Mrs. M.B. Rhew as hostess. All members signed the petition. Mrs. Wesley Green gave a good demonstration on draperies. Mrs. L.T. Parrish Jr. modeled a skirt and Mrs. McClamroch exhibited a basket made of Popsicle sticks. Due to the FLU, four members were absent and so couldn’t enjoy the delicious strawberry shortcake. But, 13 others, a visitor let it be known, did. Mrs. McClamroch was chosen the outstanding member.

Bragtown members are the early girls. They have their new officers for 1958. Same as ’57, these good ladies are Mrs. H.L. Canada, president; Mrs. R.E. Tilley, vice-president; Mrs. John Gunter, secretary; Mrs. C.F. Slawson, treasurer; and Mrs. S.L. Cole, publicity. Mrs. Cole gave the demonstration and showed a coat made for her daughter. Mrs. Tilley served real ham biscuits, applesauce cake, and coffee to eight members, and Mrs. M.W. Canon, a visitor.

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