
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dynamite Returns 40 Acres to Production on Laton Farm, 1949

By F.H. Jeter, Extension Editor, N.C. State College, as published in the Charlotte Observer, Dec. 5, 1949

Quite a few North Carolina landowners are starting early this fall to remedy the drainage situation on their lowlands or bottoms. A.R. Laton of Jackson Springs, Moore County, has a 40-acre tract of fine land where all the old ditches have been filled up and the banks overgrown with bushes and trees. These had clogged the ditches so badly, he said, until the entire 40 acres was badly water-logged and impossible to cultivate, W.G. Caldwell, assistant farm agent, helped Mr. Laton place 14 cases of blasting dynamite to clear out the ditches. Now this 40 acres is one of the best fields on the Laton farm. It was worthless, however, until the dynamite was used. The water is now running clear and free and the land is well drained.

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