
Monday, December 16, 2013

Helen Whitlock of Stanly County Is 1937 'Ideal 4-H Club Girl'

This ideal 17-year-old has made 374 garments, prepared 1,714 meals, canned 1,554 pints of food, improved three rooms, raised 76 chickens, and won an essay contest!

IDEAL -- North Carolina's "ideal" 4-H Club girl for the year is Helen Whitlock, 17, of Stanly County, who was second prize-winner in the 1937 Annual Cooperative Essay Contest. She was selected on the basis of her record as a club girl for the past eight years during which time she had 21 projects, making 374 garments, preparing 1,714 meals, canning 1,554 pints of food, improving three rooms, and raising 76 chickens.

In addition to the honor she also received an all-expense trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago November 26-December 4, where she competed for Southern honors.

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