
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Letters of Condolence from Army Officers on Private W.S. Edmisten's Death, 1919

“Mrs. R.F. Edmisten Receives Letters of Condolence from Army Officers” from the Feb. 6, 1919 issue of The Watauga Democrat, Boone

Mrs. R.F. Edmisten, whose son Mr. W.S. Edmisten died at the military camps at Toledo, Oregon, on Jan. 2, has received the following comforting letter from the dead soldier’s commanding officer, Capt. Roderick D. Grant:

“It is with deep regret that I write to you on so sad a subject as the death of your son on Jan. 2, 1919. Private William S. Edmisten was at all times faithful and conscientious in his work, and was well liked by the men of his squadron.

“I want you to know that his work here was just as necessary, and his death was just as glorious in this great conflict for the democracy of the world as any work or any death on the battle field.

“As the Commanding Officer of this regiment to which he belonged, I want you to know that his work was appreciated, and that I feel a keen sympathy for you on account of his loss.”

Following is an extract from a letter received by Mrs. Edmisten from Capt. Herman S. Judd of the Medical Corps, U.S. Army:

“We are very sorry that we were not able to save the life of this soldier, but it seems that the “flu” pneumonia is very, very severe this year and in some cases it seems that almost nothing does any good. He was a good patient and did everything he could to help us and to make his recovery possible, but it seemed that nothing helped. He did not suffer but simply grew worse and went away. Again I want to assure you that every care was given him and that we all regret your loss and certainly do wish it could have been otherwise. If at any time we can be of any service to you, we want you to let us hear from you.”

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