
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Social Notes From Currituck County During the 1920 Flu Epidemic

“Currituck Notes” from the Feb. 20, 1920, and Feb. 27, 1920 issues of the Elizabeth City Independent. This was the year after the Flu Pandemic, and people were very concerned about the flu.

FEBRUARY 20, 1920

Poplar Branch
The Betterment Society met for the purpose of appointing a committee to arrange for the play that will be given in the Auditorium by the High School students in a few weeks. The ladies of this society will serve refreshments and will give a beautiful table runner to the hone who wins the lucky number.

The Red Cross Society will sell six sweaters to the highest bidder at the High School building after the play. This will be placed in the Red Cross treasury until further calls are made.

Mrs. Arizona Parker has returned from Norfolk. She has been nursing her brother there who has been ill with pneumonia.

Messrs. Curtis and Julian Baum, accompanied by their sister Miss Mildred Baum and Miss Eula Griffin, spent Saturday evening with Miss Crist and Miss Wilson at Jarvisburg.

Miss Elizabeth Brumsey spent the week end with Miss Alice Gallop.

We have been very fortunate that our school has not been disturbed by the flu.

Miss Nell Walker will come home this week. Her school has been closed on Knotts Island because of the flu epidemic.

Mrs. J.J. Lewis is teaching in the place of Miss Ray who is very sick.

Rev. J.J. Lewis will preach at the chapel at Waterlily on the fifth Sunday of this month.

Mr. Roy Summerell went to Elizabeth City this week to purchase a new car.

The friends of Miss Mary Poyner regret that she is unable to fill her place.

Miss Mahala Ballance was hostess at a Rook party Saturday night. Those present were Misses Clara and Margaret Williams, Mary Ballance, Mildred Brumsey, Grace Walker, Nellie Cayton, Elizabeth Brunsey, Messrs. Tully Williams, Henry Snowden, Carl Brumsey, Tommie Brumsey, Leon Doxey, Julian Griggs, Johnnie Snowden, and Norma Balance. Miss Mary Ballance entertained the same crowd Sunday night.

Miss Mamie Snowden spent the week end at Elizabeth City visiting relatives.

Mr. Bryan Snowden spent Sunday at him home at Maple, N.C.

Miss Alice Snowden has returned from Norfolk where she has been visiting relatives.

Coinjock Notes
Mr. A.B. Midgett is yet very ill.

Mr. Frank Raymond has not yet returned from attending the funeral of his fiancée.

Mr. Lucian Midgett was hurt while out fishing Wednesday morning but is rapidly improving.

The Working Club met with Miss Kathryn Simmons Wednesday night.

Miss Sophia Raymond is nursing at Murfreesboro, N.C.

The Steamer Greensboro went through here Friday night and we hope she will soon be making her regular trips.

Misses Vivian and Edna Boswood entertained at their home Saturday night Misses Mattie Midgett, Adelia Perry, Elizabeth Toler, Messrs. Junius Overton, Guy Forbes, Purnell Guard and Oscar Forbes.

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our appreciation of the many acts of kindness and words of sympathy which we received during the sickness and death of our dear husband and father, Mrs. Elihu Harris.

We are also grateful for the flowers and automobiles sent by friends.
                                Mrs Elihu Harris and Daughter

FEBRUARY 27, 1920

The O. Henry Literary Society met Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the High School auditorium. The subject of a very interesting debate was resolved: That the United States should adopt Penny Postage. The affirmative Miss Erline Baxter and Mr. Elijah Tate; the negative Misses Nellie Cayton and Ruby Ballance. The judges, Miss Bettie Williams, Geneave Holloman, Bertie Harrell, decided in favor of the negative.

Miss Nellie Cayton was hostess at a Rook party Saturday evening. Those present were Misses Marr\y Ballance, Margaret and Clara Williams, Mahala Ballance, Grace Walker, Mildred Brumsey, Henry Snowden, Tommie Brumsey, Tully Williams, Oden Doxey, Lawrence Doxey, Johnnie Snowden, Julian Griggs, and Mrs. Taylor of Jarvisburg.

Misses Mary Ballance, Nellie Cayton and Mahala Ballance, Messrs. Elijah Tate, Hal Tatem and Willie Cayton enjoyed a very pleasant yachting trip to Mackey Island Sunday.

Miss Bettie Williams came home Wednesday on the account of the Flu Epidemic which caused her school to be closed.

Miss Mamie Snowden entertained at her home Friday night Misses Mary Ballance, Nellie Cayton, Grace Walker and Mildred Brumsey, Messrs Tully Williams, Norman Ballance, Henry Snowden and Tully Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Chandler have returned home after spending a few days in Raleigh.
Mrs. J.D. Clifton is seriously ill at her home.

We have been very fortunate so far our school has not been disturbed by flu epidemic.

Aydlett News
Mr. St. Clair O’Neill Jr. is at home very sick with the flu.

Miss Venie Hazel Parker of Norfolk, Va., who has been visiting her mother, who has been very sick, has returned to her work.

Mr. and Mrs. Lot Forbes of Great Bridge, Va., have moved to the home of Mr. J.F. Hampton.
Mr. Lloyd Hampton is very sick with a cold, but no flu.

Messrs. Wallace O’Neill, Doxey O’Neill and Archie Dunton spent Sunday at the seaside.

Mr. Scott Lister of Elizabeth city came through this township tuning pianos last week.

Miss Venie Parker entertained at her home Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hampton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace O’Neill and family, Mr. James Casey, Mr. Alonzo Saunders and Mr. Arbie Olmsted.

Mr. J.T. Hampton of Norfolk is spending a few days with friends here.

Rev. J.J. Lewis filled his regular appointment at Ebenezer M.E. Church Sunday with a very impressive sermon.

Coinjock Notes
Miss Georgia Forbes of Norfolk spent the week end with her mother.

Miss Mary Barco of Norfolk spent some time last week with her mother.

Mr. E.B. McHorney of Norfolk is ill with the flu at the home of his sister Mrs. W.B. Boswood.

Mr. Purnell Gard spent Saturday and Sunday at home with his people.

Mr. A.B. Midgett is slowly improving.

We are sorry to say that we have a number of cases of flu at Coinjock.

Poplar Branch
Mrs. S.D. Griggs has gone to Sarah Lee Hospital in Norfolk where she will undergo an operation.

Mrs. W.A. Doxie and Miss Eula Griffin were in Elizabeth City Saturday shopping.

Mr. E.O. Baum, who a student of Driver Hill School, is spending a few days with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Baum.

Miss Minnie Curles is visiting friends and relatives in Norfolk for several days.

Messrs. Norman Newbern and Elton Aydlett were in Elizabeth City on business.

Miss Ewalyn Baum who has been very sick for a week is convalescing.

Miss Esther Rea has been sick for some time but is able to take up her work again.

The faculty of Poplar Branch High School spent Sunday at Poyner’s Hill, the guests of Mrs. J.W. Poyner.

Miss Nell Walker, who has been teaching at Knott’s Island, arrived home this week.

Mr. L.C. Baum was in Elizabeth City Saturday on business.

Mr. St. Clair O’Neill is very ill at his home with the influenza.

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