
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fire Destroys Home Near Orrum, 1926

“Tenant House and Contents Burned Near Orrum Sunday” from the April 5, 1926 issue of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C.

Occupants Lost Everything Except Clothes They Wore and Help Is Needed

A tenant house and practically its entire contents were destroyed on Mr. J.Z. Stone’s place in Orrum township about 2 miles this side of Orrum, by fire which was discovered about 1 o’clock Sunday morning. 

The house was occupied by a Mr. and Mrs. Brown and daughter and Mr. Roy Britt and son. Some of the occupants were up at the time but the fire had gained such headway that only a few quilts were saved, the tenants losing everything they had except the clothes on their backs. Origin of the fire is not known.

The house was being repaired, some of the work having been done. Mr. Stone, who was a Lumberton visitor this morning, estimates his loss at about $1,000. No insurance. He says that help is needed and will be appreciated.

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