
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sarah Parnell of Lexington Trained a Rooster to Pull Cart, 1938

"Some Rooster" from the April, 1938, issue of The Southern Planter

Hold that Rooster," but charming little Miss Sarah Parnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Parnell of Lexington, N.C., does not think Dud, her Buff Mimorca Cockerel, will go native and fly.

"Get up," says little Miss Sarah, and Dud quietly starts off with the crt load of eggs.

Dud may strut and crow in the poultry lot, for he is the boss there, but when he is hitched to the cart he knows Miss Sarah is the boss.

"Woe Gee-ee," says Sarah, and Dud will stop, turn, or obey her commands with the ability of a trained animal. This Buff Minorca Cockerel is as obedient as a well-trained horse. He has a lot of strength in those legs. He can pull the cart loaded with more pounds than his weight anytime, or anywhere.

Sarah has very little trouble in getting Dud harnessed and hitched to the cart. He is quiet, stands perfectly still, and awaits orders from his mistress. The harness fits under his wings and the breast strop comes around the front of his legs. The traces are fastened to the breast strope.--O.O. Phillips

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