
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Board of Trustees of Jefferson School Honors William L. Scott, 1922

Resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Jefferson School, Jefferson, N.C., May 3, 1922

Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Jefferson School, Jefferson, North Carolina,

That whereas, Professor William L. Scott, the President of the Jefferson School and its active head for the past nine years, has signified his intention to sever his connection with the school at the close of the present session and not accept re-election as President,

And whereas, the board of trustees is deeply sensible of the great service President Scott has rendered the school and is highly conscious of the loss the school is sustaining by his departure:

I.That we extend to Professor the united heart-felt thanks of the school’s backers and friends, far and near, for the faithful, earnest and splendid service that he has given during the past nine years. He has labored unceasingly, in season and out of season, for the development of an institution that will serve the boys and girls of his own mountains. He has laid his heart and his life unreservedly on the altar erected by the Western North Carolina Conference and called the Jefferson School. By precept and by example, he has been an inspiration to the pupils who have sat at his feet. From him they have learned high Christian ideals of life and have gone out to other institutions and into the world nobler and truer and more Christ-like men and women because Professor Scott has been their teacher. Many of them, inspired and encouraged by this man, have given their whole lives to the service of the Master. They have lighted their torches at the flame Professor Scott has kept burning and have gone out to make brighter their world and to be a blessing to Western North Carolina:

II. That we, as the managers of the Jefferson School, say unreservedly that Prof. Scott has served the school better than any other could have done. Through discouragement and financial difficulties, he has kept his place loyally at the helm, and proved to Ashe county and the surrounding section that true-hearted and God-fearing teachers can make a great school without fine and elaborate equipment. He has served his church in such a way that we can apply to him the plaudit our Master gave another long ago: “He has done what he could.”

III. That from our hearts we wish for him and his family health, happiness and success in his new field of labor; and along with our loving wishes goes our deep regret that we are losing him and his excellent service and he carries also our unending gratitude for all  that he has done for the school, for the town, for Ashe county and for Western North Carolina—a work that we verily believe will bless a far-flung space and unborn generations.

IV. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Board; that copies be sent to the Ashe Recorder, the Watauga Democrat and the North Carolina Christian Advocate for publication, and that a copy be presented to Professor Scott as a token of our love, our thanks, and our good wishes.
(Signed)               Juo. F. Kirk, Pres.
                                G.L. Park, Sec.
                                T.E. Wagg
                                W.H. Worth, Treas.
                                J.D. Thomas

                                W.E. Johnson

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