
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Boone's 4th of July Celebration to Feature Aeroplanes, 1922

Celebrate the 4th at Boone, Aeroplanes, Band and Real Patriotic Addresses” from the June 8, 1922, issue of the Watauga Democrat, Boone

Two U.S. Army Aeroplanes to Boone for 4th Celebration—Lenoir American Legion Band of 30 Men Also Contracted for That Day

Word was received from Senator Overman of Washington, D.C., and Col. Bowley of Camp Bragg that two Army aeroplanes of the war time type will be sent to Boone for the 4th of July celebration. The Watauga post, American Legion, who are sponsoring this day are sparing no time or expense to make this the biggest and best that has ever been held in this section, the aeroplanes being just a part of the many novelties and amusements.

The Lenoir American Legion band of 30 professional musicians and of exceptional ability have been contracted for and will help make this day long to be remembered by young and old. Patriotic addresses, ball games, races, sports of all kinds and amusements of all kinds are being signed up from day to day and will be published as soon as they are certain that they will be here.

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