
Friday, June 13, 2014

Local News From Lumberton, June 10, 1946

“Local News” from the Monday, June 10, 1946, issue of The Robesonian, Lumberton

Mrs. I.L. Pope and daughter, Mrs. C.A.D. Eakes, returned Thursday from Waycross, Ga., where they went several days ago to attend the wedding of Mrs. Pope’s granddaughter, Miss Betty Monroe. While in Waycross Mrs. Pope fell and broke her hip and spent several days in the Ware County hospital, where she underwent an operation. She came back by train to Hamlet, where she was met by her son, James D. Pope, and brought by ambulance to Lumberton. She is confined to bed at her home on Winona avenue, and is reported to be getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. Pope and Miss Lina Gough, returned from Waycross last Tuesday, and Mr. Eakes had returned earlier.

Mrs. Copeland Edmonds of Mullins, S.C., is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace O’Neal at their home on E. 7th street.

Mrs. A. Rupert Collens and children Rupert Jr., Tommy, Danny, David, Dixie and Alice have gone to Ocean Drive Beach to spend the summer at their cottage there.

Mr. and Mrs. Burney Fink and children Aileen Louise and Barbara Janice moved Friday from Wilmington to a residence at 305 E. 18th street, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Sol Sater. Mr. Fink succeeds Mr. Sater here as owner and manager of the Polly Ann Shop.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hill Barrington Jr., who have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Barrington, here, and her parents in Red Springs, went today to Myrtle Beach for a few days stay. They expect to return Thursday to Chapel Hill, where he is a student at the university of N.C.

Mrs. Dennis W. Biggs and her sister, Miss Esther McNeill, who was a member of the Sedge Garden school faculty near Winston-Salem, have returned from Crescent Beach, where they spent 10 days at the Biggs cottage. Miss McNeill is a guest here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Biggs.

Miss Ruth Biggs of Greensboro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Biggs, was hostess at a house party during the week-end at Crescent Beach at her parents’ cottage. Her guests included Miss Louise McLeod, Luther Dew and Jimmy McLeod of Lumberton. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Phelps of Morehead City.

Capt. and Mrs. L.B. Townsend left Sunday for San Francisco, Calif., where he will be stationed, after spending a few days here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Burney, and his father, L.B. Townsend Sr. Capt. Townsend was formerly stationed at Fort Monroe, Va.

Mrs. George S. Willard Jr. and little daughter George-Anne of Wilson are spending a few days here guests in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Burney.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Daniels have returned to their home at Lowe from the Baptist hospital, Winston-Salem, where they went for a check-up. They were accompanied there by Mrs. C.F. Olson, who went on to Kernersville, where she visited friends.

An announcement of an engagement sent in from Proctorville cannot be published because the writer failed to sign his or her name. If the writer will let The Robesonian know who is responsible for the item, it will be glad to publish it.

H. Franklin Biggs and Jasper C. Hutto went to Wrightsville Beach today to attend the sessions of the annual convention of the North Carolina Merchants association. The sessions of the convention will extend through Tuesday. Mr. Biggs is secretary of the Lumberton Merchants association, representing the Lumberton area.

Jane Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blake of Lumberton, has the distinction of having a perfect attendance record at choir practice at the First Baptist church here for the second consecutive year, having been present and on time at every rehearsal and performance of the junior choir. Jane is the only one out of all four choirs at this church who has this distinction, which entitles her to a second bar on the sleeve of her vestment. Peggy Sullivan wins second honor, having been absent only once, and Bonnie Rae Wilson wins third place, with only two absences during the year.

Mrs. J. Odum has returned to her home in Lumberton from Thompson Memorial hospital, where she spent a few days.

Election of officers at American Legion Post No. 32 was not held as scheduled at the meeting of the Post Friday night, but was deferred until a later meeting this week because of the small attendance.

Mrs. Grady Byrd entered Baker sanatorium Sunday night for treatment.

Mrs. B.F. Bodiford is confined to her home because of illness.

Philmon Leggette, student at Duke university, spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Leggette. Jimmy Hooten of Woodbury, Ga., who has been a guest in the Leggette home since Thursday, went to Duke with Philmon for a few days visit.

Miss Carolyn Dukes, who has been a member of the Lindley Junior high school in Greensboro, arrived home last night for the summer.

Joe M. Dietzel, who was released t inactive duty form the army several months ago with rank of lieutenant colonel and who has been in Lumberton since that time with his wife, the former Miss Frances Caldwell and small son Joe Jr., went Sunday to Chapel Hill to enter U.N.C. A former student, he plans to study civil engineering for two years. He was accompanied to Chapel Hill by Mrs. Dietzel and Mrs. Gene Wilson, who returned last night.

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Maples and daughters, Mary Anne and Jane Allen, attended a reunion of the Maples family at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maples, in Pinehurst Sunday.

Rupert Wilkerson, Jack Huggins, Bobby Harris and Misses Ruth Marie Adams and Joyce Brission went this morning to Maxton to enter summer school at P.J.C. They plan to commute daily.

Miss Margaret Wilkerson, who was graduated at Flora Macdonald college in May and who is now supply secretary to President Bedinger there, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Wilkerson.
Misses Margaret and Frances McKinnon, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Graham McKinnon Jr. of Barnesville, are spending this week with their grandmother, Mrs. Graham McKinnon Sr.

Among Lumberton people at Wrightsville Beach during the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger McLeod and son, G.B. Lt. J.W. Henderson, and Jimmy McLean.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pittman and son, Dannie, and Mrs. Willie Pittman and granddaughter, Carolyne, left this morning on a two-weeks’ trip to Milwaukee, Wisc., where they will visit Mrs. Richard Lampien. Mrs. Lampien is Mrs. Pittman’s daughter and Mr. Pittman’s sister.

P.J. Faircloth of Lumberton, Rt. 5, announces the marriage of his daughter, Lucille, to Earl Washington Merritt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Merritt of Red Springs, on April 21 in Dillon, S.C. The couple is making their home near Red Springs.

Cecil Smith, who has been employed in the composing room of The Robesonian for 12 years, has resigned, effective today, and plans to enter the grocery business at a brick building now under construction on East 7th street. He expects to continue part-time job work with The Robesonian. In his new business, he will be assisted by his father, H.R. Smith, who has had several years’ experience in selling groceries and fruits. Robert Goss of Wilmington succeeds Mr. Smith as printer.

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