
Saturday, June 14, 2014

News Briefs From Watauga County and a Poem From the Editor, 1910

From the Thursday, June 23, 1910, issue of the Watauga Democrat.

The Misses Beaty of Courtney, Yadkin county, who were here attending school left for their home Monday on account of the frail health of a young sister they brought with them. They hoped she would improve, and as she did not, they returned home. We trust she will ere long be restored to perfect health.


On last Friday, A.B. Hatchet of Inman, S.C., former supervisor of the Spartanburg division was instantly killed at Marion by an engine. It seems he did not hear the whistle and therefore did not leave the track. He was crushed horribly.


Mr. H.E.C. Bryant, Washington correspondent of the Charlotte Observer, has tendered his resignation to the Observer company and after July 1st, will be connected with the Missoulian, a daily paper of Missoula, Montana. Red Buck, as he was often called, had in some capacity been connected with the Observer for 20 years and is one of the state’s best newspaper men. The paper he goes to is a Republican paper, organ of United States Senator Joseph M. Dixon, himself a North Carolinian and graduate of Guilford college. We regret his going away.


Mr. J.L. Scot, manager of the Monroe Oil Mill, says the Monroe Enquirer, has made some biscuit out of flour from cotton seed and flour from wheat, half and half, and the bread is good, has not of that cotton seedy taste you would naturally expect it to have. The southern Cotton Oil Company has a mill in Charlotte—the only one in the world which makes cotton seed flour. Cotton seed will yet bring a dollar a bushel—it looks like. The man who said that a person can live and live well given cotton seed alone is not such a dreamer after all.—Our Home


Who weeps with you when you are sad
And laughs when you are glad
And smiles when you are mad?
The editor.

Who has to be both kind and wise
And never (hardly ever) lies,
And when he does creates surprise?
The editor.

Who owns a heart as well as cheek,
Possessed of spirit proud yet meek
And lives on 40 cents a week?
The editor.
--Clinton Chronicle

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