
Sunday, August 17, 2014

80 Treated For Tonsils at Training School, Watauga County, 1921

“Training School Items” by J.M. Downum, from the Watauga Democrat, Thursday, Aug. 25, 1921

Miss Williams, a nurse with the State Board of Health, who is largely responsible for the good work of the Clinic here, made splendid talks to the school during the past week on the work that the Clinic has done and is doing in the state, stating that 3,000 operations had been performed and only one death had resulted in the entire number, showing thus the great efficacy of those in charge. The clinic at the school building last week treated successfully 80 cases suffering with their tonsils and other kindred troubles.

Prof. Griffin of the State Board of Education was with us at the school last week and to a great delight and benefit of all made a talk to the teacher-students.

In the recent absence of your correspondent quite a number of distinguished visitors were at the school, much to the pleasure and benefit of all who heard them. In addition to those mentioned last week, Misses Kate Finley and Carrie Wright, both former teachers, have been here. Editor Zeb Green of the Marshville Home spent Saturday night in Boone, having brought his son for the fall term of school.

Early on Tuesday morning of last week the public school house at Foscoe was burned, and the tragic feature about it is that some think it was set on fire owing to a feud among the patrons. We would rather believe that it happened otherwise than that any one would be guilty of an act so foreign to the best interests of all, especially for the children concerned. Another building has been secured and the school is progressing.

Prof. Roy M. Brown, who was for a number of years professor of English in the Training School, is now a field agent of the State Department of Public Welfare.

We were glad to see the Rev. W.A. Lambeth, pastor of the Methodist church at High Point at the school last week.

President Dougherty, who has recently been on a trip to Tennessee, have a good talk to the students during the past week.

Rev. and Mrs. Brinkman received a heavy pounding on Wednesday of last week from the Methodists of the town and school. They are surviving with a happy smile.

On Friday the Industrial Arts Department of the Summer School gave an exhibit of its work which was a very fine display for the varied work in that department, which was in charge of Miss DeBerry.

The second term of the summer school came to a close last week after having done most excellent work. 

The two terms of the school this summer are considered the best we have had thus far, 260 being enrolled in the state school, and with those in the county school more than 400 took work here during the summer.

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