
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Relief Workers to Make 30 Cents an Hour...For One Eight-Hour Day a Week, 1933

“Relief Workers to Get 30 Cents an Hour” from the Aug. 11, 1933, issue of The Landmark, Statesville, N.C.

But Number of Days of Work Per Week Will be Cut from Three to One for This Week…Work May Be Discontinued Altogether

Mrs. E.M. Land, Iredell county welfare superintendent, has received instructions from Ronald B. Wilson, acting director the Governor’s Office of Relief, that, effective this week, minimum wages paid for employment on work relief projects shall be 30 cents an hour with an eight hour day. This is in accordance with Rule 4 of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.

The governor’s office of relief at the same time advises welfare superintendents, within the superintendent’s discretion and with the advice of advisory councils, superintendents have authority to discontinue all work relief projects after this week, but in all projects that are continued the directions of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration must be followed as to rates of pay, hours of work and age limit.

Mrs. Land announced this morning that, during this present week, work relief projects will be so arranged as to provide each worker with one eight-hour day for which under the new schedule the wage will be $2.40. Heretofore workers have had three days of work per week at 75 cents per day, amounting to $2.25.
Announcement as to whether or not projects will be continued after this week will be made later.

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