
Friday, August 8, 2014

Building Boom in Hickory, 1921

“A Real Building Boom in Hickory” from the Watauga Democrat, Thursday, Aug. 25, 1921

More than 100 New Houses Have Been Completed in the Last Six Months—Sidewalk and Street Work—Several Small Manufacturing Plants Have Found Homes Here During the Last 12 Months

Hickory—With more than 100 new homes erected in Hickory during the first six months of the present year and with many others to be built between now and winter, Hickory is experiencing the fastest growth in its history. Never before, according to local people, has there been so much construction in progress here, most of the new residences going up inside the town and the others in the suburbs.

There would even be more building if the banks and building and loan associations were able to finance all demands. As it is between 115 and 125 new homes will be added before the end of the present year.

While there has been marked construction of residence houses, only a few business buildings have been put up. A few small manufacturing plants have found homes here during the year, but no new storehouses have been erected. If the Eleventh avenue development is completed a dozen business houses will be started during the winter and early spring, it is said.

There has been much sidewalk and street work done, a construction company being on the last lap of a contract calling for the expenditure of $175,000. The municipal building and auditorium, the latter was a seating capacity of 1,200, will be ready within six weeks, it is expected.

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