
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Matton's: 'Finest Drug Store in State' 1914

“Matton’s Finest Drug Store in State” from the Aug. 6, 1914 issue of The High Point Review.

The scores of people who responded to the invitation to “come and make yourself at home” last night at the formal opening of the magnificent drug store of the Matton Drug Company were simply astonished at the beauty displayed within the walls of this well known and popular drug store, which hasn’t a rival within the confines of the old North State.

Three months ago Mr. Geo. A. Matton, the genial manager and principal owner, who for the past 25 years has kept in the fore rank of drug stores, decided that High Point was entitled to the best drug store and incidentally his long service in the business made him feel as if he too would like to have his efforts crowned with success and continue the next quarter of the century in much more pleasant and altogether comfy surroundings.

The dream came true within a short time and today after tearing up and tearing down, placing and replacing (because business was continued during the whole procedure) he can stand at one end of his modern drug store and view with pride any and everything that his eyes rest upon.

The store is fitted with English Buffet wall casing, mahogany finished and resplendent with crystal glass and mirrors taking up the least possible room and housing everything needed in the most convenient manner. 

There are soda booths with marble foot rests, marble slaps around the bottom of wall casings, show case windows, tile flooring, indirect lighting system, large gold painted ceiling urns with lights, attached with massive gold painted chains, globes dispersing soft, mellow lights around the edges of the ceiling, etc. In fact everything is a picture of loveliness and convenience. No detail is overlooked. A modern clear counter service fountain has also been installed which is in keeping with the other fixtures which go to make up one of the prettiest drug stores in the south, of which Mr. Matton and the city are justly proud.

Top of the morning to you and your business Doctor. At the opening last night drinks, cigars and cream were given to all comers and a feeling of good cheer and reciprocal relations was manifest.

Dixie Griffith, the expert soft drink and ice cream dispenser, had things well in shape, assisted by Messers. Chas. Matton and Brock and reinforced by Mr. Tucker, and the boss and young Tucker in order to dispense the good things on time. That is a line up hard to beat at anytime, the clerks of this popular drug store.

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