
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Spanish Flu, Deaths, and Politics Dominate Front Page of Newspaper, Oct. 24, 1918

Headlines from the front page of the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, Thursday, Oct. 24, 1918. The hopeful articles in last week’s paper that the flu was subsiding and the quarantine ending, proved not to be true.

Quarantine to Last Through November 2nd
T. Few Shipman Died Sunday

Influenza Is Holding Its Own in County
No Influenza at Fassifern

Mrs. Williams Dead
L.T. Williams Died Sunday

Letter About Home Boys In Battle
Improper Respect Shown Flag and Soldier’s Corpse

Frank Brown Ill

Because this was also an election year, three articles were about the race:
Mr. Ewbank Replies to Critics of His Article in the Hustler

Mr. Hudgins Replies to Mr. Ewbank
Mr. Staton’s Circular

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