
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Spanish Flu Will Keep Everyone Home for Another Week, Oct. 24, 1918

“Quarantine to Last Through November 2nd “, from the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, Thursday, Oct. 24, 1918.

The Henderson County Board of Health met last week and decided to continue the quarantine against gatherings for two more weeks, ending on the night of November 2. This will make four weeks of the quarantine.

Local conditions didn’t appear to show much improvement and in view of quite a number of cases and a few deaths in the county from influenza and pneumonia resulting from this disease, the board decided to extend the precautionary measures.

Small Pox Vaccination
The Board of Health revived the smallpox vaccination question over which there has been considerable objection. Recently the board suspended the order requiring vaccination until after the fodder pulling season. This order was suspended until November 1. On and after November 2 the people are required by law to undergo a vaccination against smallpox, from which there was a recent death in the county.

“Influenza Is Holding Its Own in County,“ from the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, Thursday, Oct. 24, 1918.
The influenza epidemic seems to be holding its own in Henderson county.

In the Green River section, where the trouble was most malignant and where there were in the neighborhood of 40 deaths, the epidemic has evidently reached its crest.

On Tuesday physicians were of the opinion that the trouble was subsiding in Henderson county but on Wednesday a number of new cases were reported and the physicians were in doubt as to whether the epidemic was increasing or subsiding.

The epidemic is moving from the eastern part of the United States to the western states, and is exacting an enormous toll in deaths.

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