
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmastime in Hendersonville, During the Flu Pandemic, 1918

“People and Events,” from the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Dec. 19, 1918

W.L. Sentell and family are ill with influenza.

Miss Ruth Childs will be home this week to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. R.A. Childs.

Mr. Ireland has gone to the hospital suffering with influenza.

Mrs. J.L. Forrest and son, Edward, who have been in the city hospital with influenza, returned home Saturdaya.

Mrs. J.B. Sherman, who has been very ill with influenza and complications, is improving slightly.

Mr. Vardell, who lives at the Marlboro Villa, is quite ill with influenza.

Miss Ossie Orr is quite ill with influenza and complications.

Miss Willie Carmichael, who is ill with influenza, is much improved.

G.L. Spann and family, who have all been ill of influenza for several weeks, are out again.

Mrs. C.J. Valley, who has been visiting relatives in Greenville, has returned. Her little daughter, Margaret, will not return for some time.

Miss Carson Horne motored to Asheville on business Thursday.

Miss Annie Camp has returned to her home at Inman, S.C., after a brief business trip. While in town Miss Camp was the guest of Mrs. J.F. Brooks.

Wallace Glymph, who has been in Colorado for several months for his health, has returned and for the present is at Foster Bennett’s.

Mrs. P.H. Mashburn, from Old Fort, who is visiting Mrs. E.H. Allison on Fifth Avenue, is ill with influenza.

Miss Pauline Orr, who went to Biltmore to nurse her sister, Mrs. D. P. Butler, has returned to her to her duties at Patton Memorial hospital.

Sam T. Hodges spent the week-end with his family in this city.

Mrs. George Liverette and daughter, Miss Ruth, who have been patients at Patton Memorial hospital, have returned home.

Mrs. C.W. Harty leaves Sunday for Spartanburg to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ottaway.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, a son.

Harry Harty has returned from Spartanburg where he went recently for a few days.

Mrs. H.L. Grainger expects to leave soon for Mullins, S.C., to visit Mr. Grainger’s relatives.

Born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Barber, a son.

William Penny returned Wednesday from Chapel Hill, where he has been in Student’s Army Training Corps.

Lawrence Bly returned from Fortress Monroe last week.

Mrs. Lundy, who has been with Mrs. Nixon on Fourth avenue for several months, has gone to visit her sister in Augusta, Ga.

Albert Dixon returned from A. & E. at Raleigh [now NCSU] last week.

Prof. W.S. Shitle and Prof G. W. Bradshaw will leave next week for the school superintendents’ meeting, which convenes at Raleigh on the 17th for a session of two days. Mr. Bradshaw will return to his home in Ivor, Va., immediately after his attendance on the superintendents’ meeting.

Mrs. C.S. Blackburn and children, Clark and Mallie, have gone to Columbia, S.C., to spend Christmas with Mrs. Blackburn’s mother.

Dr. and Mrs. Little and small son Rob of Saluda motored to Hendersonville Monday to shop.

Miss Elizabeth Elsom is staying at the Kentucky Home in the absence of her mother, Mrs. P.G. Elsom from the city. Mrs. Elsom is on a visit to her son, Floyd Elsom of New York, who h is ill with influenza and complications.

Messrs. Carland, Corpening, Brittain and others returned Thursday from the camp at Chillicothe, Ohio. They would have bone across but for influenza.

Lee Allen has returned form Chapel Hill, where he was in the Student’s Army Training Corps.

William Garland is on a visit to his mother, Mrs. W.A. Garland. Mr. Garland has been attending Wofford College, which has closed on account of the influenza until January the 3rd.

Sol Golt from Hampton, Va., is on a visit to his uncle, Abe Kantrowitz.

Miss Elizabeth Bomar returned Thursday night from Spartanburg. The schools of Spartanburg closed suddenly Friday on account of the influenza situation, which has again become serious.

Mrs. M.E. Einig and daughter, Miss Anne, who have been at the Summer Home for several months, will return Sunday to their home in Jacksonville, Fla.

Miss Bess Childs returned Thursday afternoon from Cary to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. R.A. Childs.

Editor J.D. Boone of the Mountaineer, with whom C.W. Davis of The News was associated for a number of years, was over from Waynesville on Friday seeking help and took back with him H.C. Curtis, who has been coming to the relief of The News quite frequently.

Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Flattery have returned from Youngstown, Ohio, and were accompanied by their son, T.H. Flattery and family and Mrs. Winton Hall and baby. They are occupying Mrs. Screven’s house and intend moving soon to Bowman’s Bluff, where Mr. Flattery has brought a farm.

Miss Ada Whitmire leaves this week on a visit through the holidays in Lenoir.

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