
Friday, December 26, 2014

Mangum News, Dec. 22, 1921

“Mangum Items” from the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 22, 1921

The people in this section have awakened to educational needs as never before. As announced in these columns some time ago, an election to vote on a special school tax was held here Saturday. The vote was overwhelmingly in favor. There were 55 who registered. Of this number, 49 voted; two votes were cast against the tax, with 47 in its favor.

Plans are being matured to erect a modern building at Mangum, the center of the school district. Mr. Claudius Dockery of Mangum has generously offered a desired site for the school. The building will in all probability be ready for occupancy next year. The tax rate has not been determined as yet but the idea is to have an eight months’ school term.

Mr. Fletcher Lisk of Waynesville is at home for the Christmas holidays.

Miss Mattie Lee Horne of St. Peter’s Hospital, Charlotte, spent a day or two at home this week.

The Epworth League gave a very interesting Christmas Program Sunday evening with Miss Mamie Currie as leader.

Miss Mattie Johnson of Carolina College, Maxton, and Mrs. Lem B. Currie of Trinity College are expected home Tuesday night to spend the holidays.

The school will close for the holidays on Friday. There will be a concert and Christmas tree at 7 o’clock that evening.

Mr. O.G. Reynolds of Rockingham was in this section Wednesday and Thursday of last week.


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