
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Social News from Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 26, 1918

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 26, 1918

Mr. George Entwistle Jr., who has been at Paris Island in the Marine Corps, returned home Friday morning to spend the holidays with relatives and friends.

Miss Emma Porter, a graduate of the high school last June, and who has been at the Greensboro Normal for Women, came back to Rockingham to spend Xmas with relatives and friends. She will return to take up her duties at the Normal about the 6th of January.

Miss Kathryn Fairley, who has been teaching in Durham in the High School, came home Friday night and will remain with her parents until Jan. 6th, when she will return to Durham to resume her work.

Again the Great Falls Manufacturing Co. takes the initiative in securing the services of a Graduate Nurse for Great Falls Mills Village, Mrs. Maude H. Hull of Wilmington. This lady is most proficient in this line of work and will de vote her entire time to this Mill Settlement. The Gores are ever progressive, and if there is anything out of the ordinary to be had they ware more than apt to be the first to get it.

Miss Dorcty Fairley, who teaches Mathematics and Latin in the High School in Laurinburg, came up to spend the holidays here with relatives and friends Friday night. She will return to Laurinburg early in January to resume her School work.

Friends of Robin Ledbetter Jr. will be gratified to know of his steady improvement since his Toncils have been removed. He is gaining flesh every day and is feeling more like “Bob Ledbetter” than for sometime past; he now has the flu.

Miss Arabella Gore came Friday night to Spend Christmas at home with her folks. She will return to Murfreesboro on January 6th.

Miss Kathryn McDonald went to Richmond, Va., Friday to visit her aunt, Mrs. G.G. Shannonhouse, during the holidays. She will return to Rockingham the first of next week.

Bed Springs Lost     

Lost, a pair of folding bed springs, between courthouse and Pee Dee school house. Finder please return or notify W.E. McNair.


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