
Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Hudsons Lose Their Three-Month-Old Daughter, Dec. 22,1921

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 22, 1921.

The hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hudson were made sad Sunday morning Dec. 18th, when they awoke and found that God had sent His death angel and took from them their darling little three months-old baby.

The baby seemed to be well as usual Saturday night, with the exception of a cold which it had had for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Hudson live on route five. They came Saturday afternoon to her brother’s, Mr. John Dunn’s at Ledbetters to spend the night. Sunday morning when they got up they found the baby dead.

We know it was oh so hard to give up little Bernice, but she has gone to that sweet home, where neither pain nor sorrow can enter. We know that it is impossible to ever see her sweet little smiling face in this world again. But we have the sweet assurance that by the help of our loving Heavenly Father we can some day by and by meet her in that blessed land beyond the sky, where partings and farewell tears are not known.

The little body was laid to rest Monday in the Lovia burying ground.

May God’s tenderest blessings rest upon the bereaved ones.

“Safe in the arms of Jesus

Safe on his gentle breast

There by his love o’er shadowed

Sweetly her soul shall rest.”

            Written by a friend.


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