
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Call to Purchase Confederate Cemetery on John's Island, List of Those Buried There, 1906

“Johnsons Island Confederate Cemetery,” from the Jan. 9, 1906, issue of the Semi-Weekly Messenger, Wilmington, N.C.

Our readers will remember that not long ago an appeal was made to the ex-confederates to contribute to a fund for purchasing the cemetery on Johnsons Island where now lie the remains of so many of our soldiers who died in that prison. We are grieved to learn that contributions are coming in very slowly indeed. In fact the appeal has received but little attention. Do our people realize the fact that if the requisite sum is not raised, the graves of these men, which should be considered hallowed ground by every southern man and woman, will be desecrated and the lot where now lie the remains of those sons of the Confederacy will pass into the hands of strangers who will not respect the memory of the dead? There should be no delay in raising this fund. It would be a shame and a disgrace to our people if this matter is neglected until it is too late.


The following is a list of graves in the cemetery, from “Johnson’s Island: A Visit to the confederate Cemetery of the Prison,” Nov. 7, 1899, which also called for donations to support the cemetery. The entire report is online at

The writer has omitted the word "infantry" after each name that being understood by the reader:

J. L. Hood, adjutant, 59th Virginia.

A. C. Pitt, second lieutenant, Company K, 20th Tennessee.

M. H. Michael, lieutenant, 59th Virginia.

W. C. Raidy, Company G, 11th Kentucky cavalry.

J. M. Hill, captain, Company G, Dobbins' Arkansas cavalry.

J. P. Nolan, lieutenant, English's Mississippi battalion.

Robert Gamble, second lieutenant, 9th Alabama.

J. Miller, third lieutenant, William's Arkansas cavalry.

C. B. Morris, lieutenant, Company I, 9th Alabama.
Thomas Ruffin, lieutenant, Company D, 4th North Carolina.

J. Coulter, citizen, Marysville, Tenn.

H. H. Cresswell, lieutenant, Freeman's regiment.

W. P. Norton, lieutenant, Company D, 22d North Carolina.

J. W. McRae, second lieutenant, Company E, 67th Georgia.

J. W. Jacques, lieutenant, Company F, 24th Tennessee.

E. N. Pucket, lieutenant, Company K, 12th Arkansas.

J. W. Day, captain, Company D, 55th Georgia.

W. S. Hilton, captain, Company F, 22d North Carolina.

H. Wilkinson, lieutenant, Company B, 9th Virginia.

W. W. Wynn, captain, Company C, 64th Virginia.

John F. Brigham, lieutenant, Company E, 14th Tennessee.

J. A. Lash, major, 4th Florida.

W. A. Stevens, lieutenant, Company K, 46th Alabama.

T. J. Lowis, captain, Company C, 3d Virginia.

B. B. Starns, lieutenant, Company B, 9th Alabama cavalry.

J. A. Campbell, colonel, 27th Mississippi.

John Welch, lieutenant, Company B, 40th Virginia.

S. V. Hamilton, captain, Company B, "Choctaw cavalry."

G. W. Swink, lieutenant, Company K, 8th Virginia.

A. B. Archibald, captain, Company D, 8th Confederate cavalry.

J. Dean, lieutenant, Company H, 28th Tennessee.

C. B. Nash, lieutenant, Company H, 6th Louisiana.

Francis Baya, lieutenant, Company H, 2d Florida.

F. J. Alexander, lieutenant, Company C, 4th Alabama battery.

M. C. Peel, captain, 8th Arkansas.

R. G. Love, first lieutenant, Company K, 1st Mississippi artillery.

P. Nichols, captain, Company B, 11th battery, North Carolina.

R. P. Bolling, lieutenant, Company H, 6th Georgia cavalry.

I. B. Wood, lieutenant, Company C, 10th South Carolina cavalry.

B. F. Lock, lieutenant, Company E, 4th Arkansas cavalry.

P. W. Lane, lieutenant, 23d Arkansas.

Josiah Bissell, captain, Company C, 8th Florida.

James E. Webb, captain, 8th Arkansas.

Willis Randall, lieutenant, Company G, 52d North Carolina.

W. E. Phillips, second lieutenant 4th Alabama cavalry.

John Nickell, surgeon, 2d Kentucky, "Mounted R."

E. B. Holt, lieutenant, "Bidy's Artillery," Lexington, N. C.

W. J. Porter, captain, Company D, 61st Alabama.

Peter Mackin, lieutenant, Company I, 16th Mississippi.

John W. Hanagan, colonel, 8th South Carolina.

J. M. Henken, first lieutenant, Company K, 12th South Carolina.

John J. Cobeau, lieutenant, Company B, 10th Mississippi.

S. T. Moore, second lieutenant, Company F, "King's R," Alabama.

J. E. Duncan, private, 22d Virginia.

F. T. Coppeys, lieutenant, Tennessee.

W. E. Killem, lieutenant, Company H, 45th Virginia.

A. J. Frazer, Company H, 15th Mississippi.

W. E. Wason, adjutant, 1st Tennessee.

F. F. Cooper, captain, Company K, 52d Georgia.

R. H. Lisk, citizen.

P. J. Raben, captain, 5th Alabama.

S. F. Sullivan, captain, 1st Alabama.

R. K. G. Weeks, second lieutenant, Company F, 4th Florida.

W. S. Norwood, lieutenant, Company E, 6th South Carolina.

B. C. Harp, lieutenant, Company I, 25th Tennessee.

J. C. Long, lieutenant, Company I, 62d North Carolina.

W. T. Norwood, lieutenant, 6th South Carolina, "Confederate States army."

John O. High, lieutenant, 1st Arkansas battery.

John F. McElory, lieutenant, Company F, 24th Georgia.

N. T. Barnes, captain, Company E, 10th Confederate cavalry.

J. L. Land, lieutenant, Company A, 24th Georgia.

William Peel, lieutenant, Company C, 11th Mississippi.

D. L. Scott, second lieutenant, Company I, 3d Missouri cavalry.

J. W. Moore, lieutenant, Company B, 25th Alabama.

J. U. King, captain, Company K, 9th Georgia.

M. R. Handy, citizen, Hopkins county, Ky.

E. Morrison, private, 8th Alabama.

Charles H. Mattock, colonel, 4th Mississippi.

R. E. M.

W. W. Davis, private, 35th Mississippi.

W. N. Swift, lieutenant, 34th Georgia.

A. Kelley, lieutenant, 10th Arkansas.

J. D. Conway, private, 19th Virginia cavalry.

J. Middlebrook, captain, 45th Georgia.

J. B. Hazzard, captain, 24th Alabama.

J. P. Vaun, captain, Company E, "Bell's R," Alabama.

D. H. McKay, lieutenant, Company D, 46th Alabama.

J. R. Jackson, captain, Company H, 38th Alabama.

H. S. Dawson, lieutenant, Company H, 17th Georgia.

D. D. Johnson, lieutenant, Company A, 48th Tennessee.

J. B. Hardy, captain, Company I, 5th Arkansas.

W. T. Skidmore, lieutenant, Company D, 4th Alabama cavalry.

M. D. Armfield, captain, Company B, 11th North Carolina.

G. W. Lewis, captain, Company C, 9th battalion Louisiana cavalry.

J. N. Williams, captain, 6th Mississippi.

J. T. Sigon, lieutenant, 55th Virginia.

F. G. W. Coleman, lieutenant, 7th Mississippi.

J. E. Threadgill, lieutenant, Company H, 12th Arkansas.

J. C. Shuler, captain, Company H, 5th Florida.

B. J. Blount, lieutenant, Company H, 55th North Carolina.

J. D. Armington, lieutenant, Company H, 32d North Carolina.

James Lawson, lieutenant, Company C, 18th Mississippi cavalry.

John C. Holt, lieutenant, Company C, 61st Tennessee.

Samuel Chormle, Blunt county, Tenn.

J. W. Johnson, captain, "Green R," Missouri S. A. S.

J. B. Cash, lieutenant, 62d North Carolina.

Hugh Cobbe, private, Company E, 5th Kentucky.

J. B. Hardy, captain, 15th Arkansas.

Mark Backen, captain, Company D, 60th Tennessee.

J. R. H.

E. M. Orr, lieutenant, 62d North Carolina.

S. W. Henry, captain, 19th Tennessee cavalry.

S. R. Graham, first lieutenant, Company J, 3d Texas cavalry.

J. A. McBride, lieutenant, Company H, 60th Tennessee.

J. Reeves, Company J, 1st Georgia cavalry.

J. Ashby, Kentucky.

Samuel Fox, colonel.

E. L. Moore.

Daniel Herrin, Poindexter's Missouri cavalry.

J. W. Collier, lieutenant, 18th Kentucky.

John M. Kean, captain, 12th Louisiana artillery.

W. McWhister, captain, Company H, 3d Missouri.

R. Hodges, Memphis, Tenn.

E. Gibson, lieutenant, 11th Arkansas.

D. Christian, Company E, 128th Virginia.

S. W. C.

William Johnson, Pindexter's Missouri cavalry.

Peter Cole, private, 60th Virginia.

J. W. Gregory, captain, 9th Virginia.

W. Veasey, lieutenant, 10th Kentucky cavalry.

B. Anderson, private, Missouri State cavalry.

J. Hupteller, lieutenant, 1st battalion, Arkansas.

S. G. Jetter, company H, 31st Alabama.

D. D. Keller, private, 2d Tennessee cavalry.

J. M. Dotson, lieutenant, 10th Tennessee cavalry.

W. P. Harden, lieutenant, 5th North Carolina.

L. B. Williams, lieutenant, 63d North Carolina.

G. W. Gillispe, captain, company D, 66th North Carolina.

C. B. Jackson, Guir's, Va.

J. E. Scruggs, colonel, 85th Virginia.

E. M. Tuggle, captain, company H, 35th Georgia.

A. E. Upchurch, captain, 55th North Carolina.

J. P. Pedden, second lieutenant, "Hamilton's battery.

J. Barnett, lieutenant-colonel, 9th battalion, Louisiana cavalry.

W. J. Hudson, lieutenant, 2d North Carolina.

D. E. Webb, captain, 1st Alabama cavalry.

J. W. Mullins, lieutenant, 6th Tennessee.

J. D. Cassaway.

In addition to be above list, there are fifty-two graves, on the headstones of which are engraved the word "Unknown."

Two graves among the number have evidently been cared for by
loving friends.




Below this inscription there are engraved several Masonic emblems.


The other stone bears this inscription:



*Animus Opesbusque Parati is on South Carolina's historical coat of arms, shown below:


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