
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Homemaker Reports from Across North Carolina, January, 1936

“Timely News Items” by Jane S. McKimmon in the January, 1936, issue of Carolina Co-Operator


Willine Moss is one of the outstanding 4-H Club girls of Stanly County. She won third place in the State Contest on her clothing outfit and several of the dresses she had made were exhibited in the 4-H Club booth at the Stanly County Fair.

In the past year Willine has made 142 garments for herself, her family, and for a neighbor’s children.


Discussions on child welfare, especially habit formation, have been interesting Richmond County home demonstration club mothers, said Mrs. Anna Lee Harris, home agent.

“One mother told me ‘I want to thank you for the great help you have given me in stopping my boy from whining.’”

“Why, when was that?” asked Mrs. Harris.

“Don’t you remember the discussions we had at the club meeting about the whining habit in children? Well, I tried out some of the remedies on my boy which different women suggested and they worked.”


Sometimes home demonstration club meetings are held in a project leader’s home and what she has done to make her home more efficient is used to demonstrate what other housewives may do.

In Moore County Mrs. Alexander of the Union Club stood back with pride as club members examined her rearranged kitchen with its newly built-in cabinets and sink. She explained that she paid for material and work with money she had made by selling poultry.

Mrs. Matthews of the Thaggard Club, also in Moore County, showed what she had done with a dark unpainted room having only one window, a pump at the sink, a stove in the middle of the room, and very few conveniences. The results she exhibited were a new range well-placed for convenience, built-in cabinets, a sink with hot and cold water, and windows cut on all sides to let in the light. There was a well-chosen covering on the floor and Mrs. Matthews had worked out a cheerful color scheme. No wonder she thinks her workshop the prettiest room in the house.

Such concrete demonstrations always inspire other women to overcome difficulties and bring a little beauty and comfort in their homes.

What They Learn

Neulah White, a 4-H Club girl of Chowan County, who has been in club work five years, says among the many good things she has learned in club work are:

1.       Good table manners and how to set a table correctly and make it inviting.

2.       How to plan and prepare good appetizing meals and what were the daily food essentials.

3.       How to grow vegetables. She says, “My sister, Artelissa, and I had a garden and served on the table butterbeans, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, and pumpkins in season. We sold $27 worth and canned some for winter use. We had a flower garden also with 15 different varieties. During my fifth year our club took up ‘Farming for a Living’ and ‘Food in Relation to Health.’”

4.       Sewing and something about making my own clothes. And what was most interesting, good grooming.

Miss Pauline Gordon, home management specialist for the Home Demonstration Division, begins her work in North Carolina January first. Miss Gordon succeeds Miss Helen N. Estabrook and is planning to conduct home management leaders’ schools with Miss Mamie Whisnant, assistant specialist in home management, in certain county of the State in 1936.

Canning Schools

In November and December demonstrations were given in the southeastern and central sections of the State. The current schedule follows: January 13, Taylorsville; January `14, Lenoir: January 16, Boone; January 17, Newland; January 20, Elkin; January 21, Yadkinville. The schedule for the remainder of the season will be published later.

Good Slogan

The Surry and Stokes home demonstration clubs have as a slogan in 1936 “A garden for every farm home planned to meet the family food requirements for the whole year.”

Forty-one home demonstration club women of Lee County, most of them young housekeepers, have agreed to keep the family business accounts for 1936. This is a fine cooperative project for any family.

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