
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Social News from Murphy, N.C., Jan. 3, 1913

From the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Friday, January 3, 1913

T.M. Mason and family of Dillsboro are here.

Mayor D.S. Russell of Andrews was in town on Monday.

Butler Nelson of Asheville was here for the holidays.

Robt. Wood left Monday to enter Young Harris College.

Jerry Davidson went to Atlanta on Christmas day for a visit.

Mrs. R.S. Parker spent Christmas at Hickory with her parents.

Chas. D. Mayfield spent Christmas with his family at Jonesboro, Ga.

D.J. Carpenter is building a two-story dwelling on Peachtree street.

Miss Lillie Deweese of Knoxville spent Christmas here with her parents.

Mrs. M.A. Hyatt spent Christmas at Etowah, Tenn., with her son, C.K. Hyatt.

Frank Mauney and Ben West of Knoxville spent the holidays with their parents.

Donald Davidson entertained a party of friends Saturday night in East Murphy.

A.J. Hall and family of Copperhill spent the holidays at Kinsey with relatives.

“Dusty” Wendt of Knoxville was here for the holidays, the guest of Frank Mauney.

Dr. Oliver Kinsey of Washington, D.C., spent Christmas at Kinsey with his parents.

Mrs. R.C. Mattox and children spent the holidays with her parents at Etowah, Tenn.

Fred Whitcomb of Harriman, Tenn., spent the holidays at Ogreeta with his mother.

Mrs. J.B. White and family left Christmas eve to join her husband at Fowlerton, Tex.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Axley of Statesville spent Christmas week here with relatives.

Fred Sneed of White Wright, Tex., spent the holidays here with friends and relatives.

State Senator S.W. Lovingood and Representative A.L. Martin will leave today for Raleigh.

Harry Fain and Henry Harshaw, students at the A.&M. College, Raleigh, were home for Christmas. [Today, the Agricultural and Mechanical College is called N.C. State University.]

Miss Beryl Bryson, a student at Centennary college, Cleveland, Tenn., spent the holidays at home.

A.O. Allison and family spent Christmas at Hayesville with his father, who was reported very sick.

Mrs. Nora White and Miss Olga Hood of Cobbs were the guests Christmas of Dr. Heighway and family.

W.A. Henry and wife arrived Christmas eve from White Wright, Tex. Mr. Henry has decided to stay with us.

H.F. Jamieson of Seneca, S.C., and W.C. Messer of Baldrock, S.C., spent Christmas on Peachtree with relatives.

Misses Ruby and Marie Owenby of Marietta, Ga., were the guests through Christmas of the Misses McCombs.

Miss Kate Mauney of Knoxville accompanied by her friend, Miss Haynes, spent Christmas here with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Suddeth of Peachtree spent the holidays at Athens, Tenn., with M.T. Sudderth and N.N. Hyatt. [was spelled Suddeth and Sudderth in paper and I’m not sure which is correct]

Misses Ada and Mamie Harshaw entertained at a card party Saturday night in honor of Miss Blondine Webb of Andrews.

The most elegant calendars we have seen this season were presented us by the Wofford-Fain Co., our wholesale merchants.

Misses Kate and Leila Hayes entertained a house party Christmas week. Misses Bessie and Lula Mallonee attended from here.

Miss Nina Axley, who is in Wesley Memorial Hospital of Atlanta preparing for a trained nurse, spent the holidays here with her relatives.

Dr. C.Z. Candler of Dillsboro, accompanied by his family, arrived Friday to make Murphy their future home and will occupy the residence opposite Mayor Deweese.

Misses Polly Brittain and Will Mauney are visiting at Rex, Ga.

Miss Gladys Axley spent the holiday with relatives at Etowah, Tenn.

Miss Annette Wells, a student at Cullowhee, spent holidays at home.

Mrs. J.J. Clark of Asheville, son and daughter, were here for the holidays.

Miss Emma Warner of Atlanta spent the holidays here with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Morgan.

A watch party and dance at Cottage Park was highly enjoyed by the young people Tuesday night.

W.A. Elliott has sold out his confectionary store to T.N. Bates and will devote his time to pushing the sale of Ozol.

Miss Fannie Wofford, who is attending the Southern Female Collage at LaGrange, Ga., spent the holidays here with her parents.

C.D. Mayfield has leased one of the furniture factory buildings and is installing machinery to manufacture furniture and chair stock.

R.D. McCombs of Canton, N.C., was here for the holidays. He has resigned as cashier at the Bank of Canton to go with the Wachovia Loan & Trust Company of Asheville.

Married, Sunday December 29th, at the home of Squire J.A. Payne on Bearpaw, Mr. Oliver Hawkins and Miss Sussia Mashburn. The couple left for Ducktown immediately after the ceremony.

On Sunday night before Christmas the exercises at the Methodist Church by the Sunday School were very enjoyable, after which a bag of candy, nuts, etc., was given each scholar. N.A. Zimmerman’s class of little girls received an extra remembrance from their teacher.

On Christmas morning at 10 o’clock little James Lucius Smathers Jr. entertained very graciously about 20 of his big and little friends at a Christmas tree party. A sweet spirit of give as well as receive ruled among the happy group and altogether the occasion was enjoyable.

We have only this apology to offer this week. It is a hard matter to get all the locals during the holidays as there are so many comers and goers, and we are sure that some have been omitted because we have been kept indoors since Christmas day with a severe case of grip and could not get out.

The Christmas tree at the Baptist Church on Christmas eve night was largely attended and a nice program carried out. There were many pretty and valuable presents and each Sunday School student received a bag of candy, nuts, fruit, etc. Old Santa was present in full costume and made quite an impression on the children.

So far the weather was concerned, Christmas day was an ideal one—clear, cold and sunshiny. But many wished for snow. The day passed off pleasantly and quietly. Everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion. All the stores, banks and offices were closed, and the men remained at home with their families. May the growing idea of a sane Christmas continue.

On account of the large increase in business during the holidays, the Candler Department Store had to employ a floor walker and a force of 14 salesmen. Mr. Winslow Davidson made an ideal floor walker. Murphy and Cherokee county feel proud of the distinction of having the largest department store west f the Blue Ridge and one than ranks with the best in the state.

The splendid entertainment provided by the Beulah Buck Quartet on Christmas night at the auditorium was one of the best ever given here under the auspices of the local lyceum committee. The large audience showed their appreciation by hearty applause, and each number on the program called forth an encore. Such high-class entertainments as this will make our lyceum course deservedly popular and our crowded columns this week prevents a more extended notice.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Smathers had as their guest during Christmas week Mr. P.T. Harrington of Boston, a close friend and present landlord to their daughters, who are studying this winter at that city. Mr. Harrington was introduced to a great many of our people and proved to be a very interesting and cultured gentleman, showing hearty appreciation of his cordial entertainment while in Murphy. Mr. Harrington brings very flattering reports from all the southern music pupils in the classic city and says our Murphy girls are pleasing their tutors and friends tremendously.


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