
Friday, January 9, 2015

Capt. James H. Smith, 76, Dies in Raleigh, 1906

From The Semi-Weekly Messenger, Wilmington, published January 9, 1906

Raleigh, January 1--Captain James H. Smith, for 10 years past keeper of the National cemetery in Raleigh, died this afternoon of pneumonia after four days illness, aged 76 years. He served in the war with Mexico, was wounded at Chapultepec and at City of Mexico, served during the civil war in the second Michigan calvary and on the staff of General Thomas.
He leaves a son, Colonel Z.P. Smith of the State National Guard, who is editor of the National organ of Junior Order United American Mechanics here, and a daughter, Mrs. A.J. Hall of Pottsville, Pa. He was a Mason. Remains will be buried in the National cemetery and inmates of the Confederate soldiers’ home, who were greatly attached to him, will be present.

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