
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

E.S. Harris of Alamance County Gives Directions for Making Scrapple, 1903

“Scrapple,” from The Progressive Farmer, Raleigh, N.C., Tuesday, January 13, 1903

One hog’s head, clean. Put in large pot and cover with water. Boil until very tender or until the meat will leave the bones. Take out of the pot and mash very fine with the hands, removing all bone. Pour the liquid left in pot through a sieve or colander, removing all small particle of bone that might be left. Put the meat back in pot with the liquid, which should measure three quarts, if not add hot water enough to make that much. Season to taste with red pepper and salt. Place over the fire again and when boiling add two quarts corn meal, stirring constantly and until it becomes very stiff. Put in deep bowl and when cold, slice and brown.
                --E.S. Harris, Alamance County

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