
Sunday, January 25, 2015

'For the Farm Woman' January, 1939

“For the Farm Woman” from Dr. Jane S. McKimmon, Assistant Director of State Extension, the January, 1939, issue of Carolina Co-operator

Water Systems
Mrs. Effie Scott of Guilford County, who has been carrying water from a spring on a steep hill for 30 years, has lately installed a water system in her house which will cut out all those trips up to the spring and down again. She has also secured electric current and can flood the house with light as well as run some of the step-saving conveniences.

Mrs. Ida Brookshire of Alexander County and her children did their own work in piping water from the spring to the back porch, and then to the milk box. They plan to pipe it into the kitchen as soon as they can get around to it.

Comfortable , Versatile Clothes
The Kernersville Home Demonstration Club in Forsyth County has demonstrated that women can go “around the clock with one frock” and be well dressed for all occasions.

With a well-made basic dress of good material, simple design, and not too pronounced in color, one can do a great deal toward stretching the clothing dollar, say these alert housewives. Accessories will work wonders and if one starts shopping in the morning and stops for lunch with a few friends, she can go on to tea or a meeting, transformed in appearance by the addition of a different collar, bag and pair of gloves. Not only the appearance will be helped by the change, but there will be a refreshened spirit.

From the Clemmons Club comes the declaration that the woman who takes care of her feet as well as her back is freshest at the end of the day. When she is thinking of her costume she should know the importance of well-fitted, comfortable shoes.

In Camden County they believe that shoes should be worn to protect and support the feet, but sometimes the wearer is more interested in satisfying the eye and the pocketbook than in selecting appropriate, durable and comfortable footwear.

Do not insist upon a certain size of shoes, but rather that they fit. Look at the ball of your foot, which is the widest at the large toe joint, and see if it is directly over the largest part of the shoe.

1939 Spending
In Johnston County in 1938 demonstrations in wise buying were recently given and pointers on the buying of electrical equipment were of great interest. The electric iron was of first importance; for the amount of money invested, it is probably one of the most helpful aids to the housewife. Refrigerators, however, ran a close second, but it was agreed that the washing machine probably saved the most labor. It does away with long soaking of the clothes and hard rubbing and wringing, and a woman can read the paper while it works or she may go about other duties in the home.

In purchasing a washing machine for your home, ask yourself these questions: Are the running parts encased in an airtight box filled with oil? Is there a safety release for the roller? Are the controls easily reached? Does the tub drain well? What type of wringer does it have, old type or the centrifugal dryer?

Order for Marmalade
Mrs. Spencer Dean of Franklin County has received an order for homemade orange-grapefruit marmalade from Royster’s in Raleigh, and Mrs. Cornelia Morris, home demonstration specialist, is highly pleased at her high quality product. It is beautifully packed in globe-shaped glass jars and has found its way to the gift Shop at Forestville.

Emergency Shelf
In Gaston County the county commissioners have appropriated $50 for an educational exhibit of an emergency shelf showing the things that may be canned on the farm to set aside to serve for an emergency meal.

This shelf will show not only variety but a high standard of quality, and will be placed in the home center in Gastonia. Twenty-five dollars will be spent for the exhibit and $25 for the case to hold it.

Cook Delicious Pork Thoroughly
When hog-killing time rolls round, the sharp winter tang in the air makes us hungry for crisp brown roast, well seasoned sausage, spare ribs, and crackling bread.

Pork is a nutritious meat found on most farms in North Carolina and can be easily prepared if the cook will give it time. All pork must be thoroughly cooked and roast pork is at its best when it is well done to the very center, juicy and with a crisp brown crust.

Thorough cooking not only develops the best flavor in pork but it is also necessary to destroy trichinae, a parasite occasionally found in fresh pork ad one with which you do not wish to get acquainted.

Women’s Activities
Mrs. J.W. Martin of Surry County has freshly waxed and stained floors in her house, thanks to muscle power, walnut hulls, beeswax and other ingredients. Write for Extension Pamphlet No. 14, which gives you the instructions Mrs. Martin followed.

Many of our rural farm wives belong to garden clubs in town or incorporate some of their teachings in community programs.

People drive from far and wide to buy fruit cakes baked by Mrs. N.J. Brown of Northampton County.

According to the Iredell County home agent, there are good reasons for recreation other than just joy. When men and women go swinging down the room in the grand march it is easy to see that fun is not all there is to it; grace is required and ability to follow directions, and it is also an excellent form of exercise.

Martin County women have been making brooms of broom corn which was saved last spring and harvested and cured in the early fall. Much experimenting was done at first, but those who stuck to it are turning out very good brooms.

In the Farm Kitchen
To prevent omission of flavoring in a cake, measure it into the milk or other liquid.

Use the water drained from canned vegetables for its mineral and flavor value in creamed soups.

Wrap cheese in a cloth wet with vinegar and store it in a cool place to keep it fresh.

Rinse the pan in hot water before boiling milk to prevent its sticking.

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