
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

'The Kind of Farm Woman I Intend to Be' 1938

“The Kind of Farm Woman I Intend to Be” by Ruth Current, State Home Demonstration Agent, in the February, 1938, issue of Carolina Co-operator

If wishes were horses each of you would have a visit from me soon. I would come to your home, school, and club, and just guess what I would talk with you about? Entering the 1938 Essay Contest sponsored by the State Cotton Association, the FCX, and the Carolina Co-operator. Mr. Mann and his staff have selected the best subjects in which every rural boy and girl should be vitally interested. Certainly those of us who are privileged to work with you are interested in the subjects and would like to know what your ambitions, your wants and desires are in order that we may plan in a better way programs and materials that will meet your needs.

When I was in school I learned that there were certain words in the English language that were possible of comparison as “good, better, best” and “poor, poorer, poorest.” I have compared either consciously or unconsciously almost everything that has come within my range of observation since that time.

I know that you are planning to be the very best farmer and farm woman in your community. You would not be satisfied with being other than the best. In order to be the best you must start making plans now, definite plans.

But having a plan is not enough. That plan must be put into action. It must be studied and worked on, constantly taken out, re-examined, and re-composed as we grow. There are certain personal characteristics that must be thought about continually. There must be faith, courage in abundance, and self-confidence to carry forward life goals. And as you make plans for the kind of farmer and farm woman you wish to be, you should chart your course with faith, hope, and persistency.

If you will study the lives of our great leaders, you will see that they have followed a plan, a plan with a purpose, and in so doing have met with success. The future of rural North Carolina will soon fall into your hands and I am sure that you will be prepared for the responsibility you will have.

But I have said so little to you girls about your subject. In order to be the right kind of executive, and that is just what you will be, it will take first of all an appreciation and love for farm life; an understanding of the problems of homemaking and housekeeping, for work without understanding and imagination leads to drudgery and dissatisfaction.

Your home should reflect the best practices in foods and nutrition, clothing, house furnishings, home management, home beautification, and a real friendly spirit toward your neighbors and the community in which you live.

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