
Monday, February 16, 2015

Z.T. Watson of Brookside, N.C., Praises Sarah Green, 1920

“The Work of a Noble Mother” by Z.T. Watson, The Watauga Democrat, February 12, 1920

More than 30 years ago Ferguson Green, a respected citizen residing near Virgil, died, leaving a widow and a large family of children to battle their way against adversity, incident to the absence of a husband’s and father’s love and care.

Aunt Sarah, as she was familiarly called, by her untiring energy, perseverance, and unswerving faith in God, successfully reared her children and lived to see them established in life, useful citizens of the community. As she approached the sunset of her life she had a burning desire to see the youths of her neighborhood embrace the Christian religion and lay the foundation early in life, upon which to build the structure of noble manhood and womanhood.

According to her belief that the Church of Christ was the greatest institution in the world, she freely donated one acre of land upon which she desired the erection of a church, and through her influence, willing hands and earnest hearts were blended together, and ere long, the desire of her heart was gratified. One mile east of Riverside, in Ashe county, Liberty Grove Baptist Church, a building very beautifully designed, stands as a monument to the memory of a Christian mother, as well as a beacon to the unsaved. Liberty Grove Church under the leadership of her worthy pastor, Rev. M.A. Adams, is considered one of the most progressive churches in this section. The church is practically free from wranglings and divisions which are so detrimental to the cause.

History is replete with the noble deeds of great men, but the sublimest poets and most profound scholars have failed to describe the depts. Of a mother’s love and care. We see Aunt Sarah toiling for the upbuilding of a church, through many anxieties, through many self-denials, with prayers and tears, close her life’s work and cross the river to the land beyond. Is her work done? Has her influence ceased? No, in the years to come the spirit of God will descend upon the church she helped to build, and hundreds of souls will stand up and confess their faith in Christ. Her grandchildren will see in this the flowering of her noble heart, and hear the echo of her footsteps in all the songs over sin forgiven.

There’s nothing grander than to exalt the Bible with its law of love; nothing nobler than to magnify Christ with His life of devotion to the welfare of men.

                --Z.T. Watson, Brookside, N.C.

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