
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sheep Pay Off for C.H. Honeycutt of Mars Hill, 1944

"Sheep Best Paying Unit," by F.H. Jeter, Extension Editor at N.C. State College, Raleigh, in the April 1944 issue of The Southern Planter

Again comes evidence that the small farm flock of sheep is one of the best paying units on the well-balanced North Carolina farm. C.H. Honeycutt of Mars Hill, Route 1, owns 10 ewes from which he received a 140 percent lamb crop last year. He sold 12 of the 14 lambs, grading blue, for $149.27 and retained the two best ewe lambs for replacement.

His wool clip amounted to 65 pounds and was sold for $28.30, making a total income of $177.57 from the 10 sheep for the year. Mr. Honeycutt says the animals required very little attention. He kept them on a good pasture, treated them for parasites, provided a creep for feeding the lambs, and fed liberal amounts of good legume hay to his ewes during the winter. He gives this as a sound formula for success with the farm flock.

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