
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wage War on Food Waste to Help Win the War, 1944

"Wage War on Food Waste," an editorial from the April 1944 issue of The Southern Planter. There was even a serious shortage of sutures to close soldiers wounds at the time this editorial was written. Sutures were made from animal intestines.

The average family in the orient could live well on food wasted by the average American family. Elimination of food waste in this country would go a long way toward relieving the food shortage at home and insuring against hunger. It is estimated that one-sixth of all food prepared in the United States goes into the garbage pail. If to this is added that lost from spoilage enroute and that destroyed by insects and diseases on farms, the figure becomes appalling.

Insect damage annually amounts to $2,000,000,000, and crop and livestock losses are equally destructive. Internal parasites of sheep, easily and economically eliminated by mixing a pounds* of phenothiazine to each 11 pounds of lick salt.

The shortage of sutures is extremely serious. Some 15,000,000 sutures are used by surgeons for closing wounds.

Grubs infesting the back of cattle damaged many pounds of beef in 1942 and ruined leather to supply shoes for front-line soldiers. Cattle grubs can be eradicated by dosing the backs of cattle with equal parts of sulphur and 5 percent rotenone.

Four out of every 10 pigs born never go to market; feed and labor going into the dead pigs are wasted.


*It does read "a pounds," so I don’t know the correct proportion. Not that any reader is using recommendations from a 1944 article to treat livestock or crops.

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