
Sunday, May 10, 2015

"Another Republican Comes Out Openly for White Supremacy" from the Watauga Democrat, May 10, 1900

 Dear Editor,

There is a great question before the people of North Carolina this year. It is the question of permanent white supremacy or permanent negro equality. The men who are trying to save the negro from eternal and just obscurity are telling the white men of North Carolina who are unable to read and write that they are in danger of being disfranchised.

Now, there is not a sound-minded man in the state ho if he will be stop a moment and reason that will believe the silly arguments put up by these so-called leaders.

Mr. Editor, I am a republican, but when it comes to a direct question of whites vs. negroes, I can not, in justice to the Anglo Saxon blood that flows in my veins, array myself on the side of the African. I am for white supremacy "first, last, and all the time."

As a republican, I consider that the republican leaders in the state have made a serious mistake in placing themselves as a hindrance in the pathway of progress, for it is a self-evident fact that the Old North State can never ben anything of which to be proud so long as we have negroes in the halls of Congress and in our State Legislature.

White republicans who do not believe in negro equality have but one course to pursue, and that is to repudiate the leaders of the party in the state  and vote for the amendment. If I have not made myself plain enough, I will write still further on the subject.

Very truly, Thomas P. Smith, Silverstone, May 7

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