
Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Atlanta Constitution's Editorial About North Carolina's White Supremacy Amendment, 1900

"A White Man's State" from the Atlanta Constitution as published in the Watauga Democrat, May 10, 1900

In North Carolina, whose election will occur on August 2, there will be elected a Governor and other State House officers and the people will vote on the amendment passed by the legislature and designed to virtually eliminate the black race from State politics. In the proposed amendment there are qualifications which will disfranchise a large majority of the blacks, and a "grandfather clause" which will except the whites from the operation of the law. It is practically a copy of the Louisiana elective franchise law, the constitutionality of which has been questioned. In the last election Fusionists carried the State by a plurality of 17,937, in a total vote of 339,990.

North Carolina is once more a white man's State, and the work of its second redemption will be completed next August.

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