
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Local and Business News, Watauga County, May 19, 1921

"Local Affairs" from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., May 19, 1921

Attorney Mark Squires of Lenoir transacted legal business in Boone Tuesday.

James C. Rivers is spending the week with relatives in Iredell County.

Robert Moretz returned from Butler, Tenn., last week where he was in school during the session just closed.

Mr. J.M. Moretz is having constructed a flight of cement steps reaching form the sidewalk to his pretty home on the hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Ellis left Tuesday for Knoxville, Tenn., where Mrs. Ellis, who has been in rather poor health, will take hospital treatment.

Mr. Hartley Hunt of Kings Creek, N.C., was a pleasant business caller at the Democrat office Tuesday.

Mr. Roger Robbins and Miss Florence Teague, both of Caldwell County, were married at the Methodist parsonage in Boone last Sunday, the Rev. G.C. Brinkman officiating.

Mr. and Mrs. O.L. Brown left last week for Peoria, Ill., where Mr. Brown will study manual training for the summer. Mrs. Brown will visit relatives in Vermillion County, Indiana, and return after a few weeks.

Nobels W.R. Gragg, E.S. Coffey, A.E. South and I.G. Greer are to leave for Asheville to attend the Shriners' Ceremonial to be held there Friday and Saturday.

Mr. J.W. Hodges and family left in their car yesterday morning for a pleasure trip to Asheville, Knoxville and other cities and town in Tennessee.

Mr. J."G. Norris Jr. was cruelly hurt Monday by his team running away with him. He was thrown from the wagon and his left lower jaw was broken, the left cheek crushed, and his condition is fearful. Dr. J.W. Jones was called, who removed the crushed bones, wired the jaw bones together, and he hopes that the unfortunate sufferer will eventually recover, but, of course, it will take time.

A big delegation from Boone and the county at large will leave Friday morning for the district road meeting to be held in North Wilkesboro.

Atty. J.C. Fletcher of Lenoir spent Sunday with his family in Boone and on his return Monday took with him his daughter, Miss Lina, who will remain with him a few days.

The Watauga Furniture and Lumber Co. is erecting another large building at their plant to accommodate their rapidly growing business, this being the second enlargement since their opening.

Friend F.P. Jennings was in to see us this week and started an advertising campaign with us for the Hupmobile car. He just came over form Lenoir with a new roadster and is ready to demonstrate. He came all the way from Lenoir to Blowing Rock in high gear, which feat proves that the Hup is a car of exceptional merit.

The membership of the Boone Commercial Club has been increased from about 40 to 137. As it now stands there are 75 men and 62 ladies, representing nearly every business and most of the homes in Boone, and some in the county. A complete list is being prepared. Everybody should join, not only in Boone but all over the county, for the club is working for the whole county.

The dues are $1 to join and $1.50 each quarter; ladies free. Please hand your dues to W.D. Farthing, Treasurer, at the Watauga County Bank.

Road matters, a clean-up campaign and forest preservation were discussed at a called meeting Monday night. There will be a regular meeting next Monday night at the court house. Everybody, whether member of not, is invited.

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