
Friday, May 15, 2015

Local News from Watauga County, May 8, 1900

"Local News" from the Watauga Democrat, May 8, 1900

The county commissioners will be in session on Monday next.

Mrs. Pat. Pendley of Blowing Rock was in town Monday.

Corn planting is upon us and the weather is just perfect. Farmers are now quite busy.

Dr. Hogshead was in town yesterday. He had been to Ashe on professional business.

Services in the Methodist church next Sunday at 11 a.m. will be conducted by Rev. A.L. Stanford.

Register of Deeds Jacob May has been confined to his room for several days with measles but is now able to be out again.

A.W. Beach, C.D. Taylor and E.M. Greer compose the Election Board for Watauga. The gentlemen are all well qualified for the position.

Atty. McNeil and Editor Pearson of the Jefferson Patriot spent Saturday night at the Blackburn House on their way to the Republican Judicial Convention. We have tried hard to learn who was nominated at the Republican Judicial Convention at Hickory, but up to the time we go to press we have no positive information. We heard on Tuesday night that Moses Harshaw was nominated but do not give it out as correct.

The commencement exercises tomorrow promise to be very interesting. The exercises will begin at 10 a.m. and will continue through the day, with appropriate exercises at night. A large crowd is expected.

Just as we go to press we learn that a corps of railroad engineers are now in the county looking over the line preparatory to making a survey from Lenoir to Tennessee. This certainly seems that the company means business.

Mrs. C.C. Pennell died at her home at Horton on the 1st after an illness of some weeks from pneumonia. Mrs. Pennell was a daughter of W.W.D. Edmisten, and a lady much loved by those who knew her. Her husband, parents and relatives have our deepest sympathy.

Chas. B. Aycock, the next Governor of North Carolina, will address the people of Watauga in Boon on the 25th. Let every citizen, to whatever party he may belong, be sure to attend and hear the issues of the day discussed by him. It will pay you for your time.

Blowing Rock Township held a stock law election on the 1st and it carried by a majority of 61. This is certainly a move in the right direction, and we think it advisable for Boone township to take a vote on the same as soon as practical, and if carried, the expense of building several miles of fence on the Boone and Blowing Rock Township line could be saved. The stock law is bound to ultimately sweep the county and now that the good work has begun, we hope it will be accomplished at least in Boone township. Let us hear from some of our people on the subject and get the matter agitated.

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