
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Farm Families Signing Up for Food and Feed for Family Living Program, 1935

“30 Per Cent of Families Join Food-Feed Program,” from Carolina Co-operator, June, 1935. This program encouraged farm families to produce as much food for family consumption as possible, thus reducing debt at the local store.

With a final report from all counties still lacking, John W. Goodman, assistant director and chairman of the State Agricultural Workers’ Council, said it appeared that at least 30 per cent of the farm families in North Carolina enrolled in the Food and Feed for Family Living Program. The enrollment campaign was due to end June 15.
“We are not discouraged that we didn’t attain our goal of enrolling at least half of the farm families,” Goodman declared, “because we feel certain that many more than the 30 per cent who returned signed cards are being influenced by the program.”

L.P. Watson, Extension horticulturist who is handling the multiple details of the campaign, says the handbook for all members of County Agricultural Workers’ Councils will be in the mails within the next few days.

“Our big job now, Goodman said, “is to help the farm families to carry out their agreement to produce and conserve their food and feed requirements of the year. There should be a spirit of competition among the counties to see which can have the largest percentage of farm families win Awards of Merit, signed by Governor Broughton and other leaders.

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