
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Should Negroes Be Allowed to Vote or Hold Public Office, 1900

“Wants Them to Vote but Not to Hold Office” from the June 7, 1900, issue of the Watauga Democrat

The Populist party proposes to still allow the negroes to vote but to submit an amendment to the State constitution disqualifying them from holding office. This would be a nice arrangement for the Republican and Populist office seekers. They would still have 120,000 negro voters to select them to office and would not have to divide the spoils with the negro politicians. This is not an honest settlement of this question, for no race or class who are allowed to vote should be deprived of the right to hold offices, if they can be elected or appointed to them. As a settlement of the evils of negro suffrage it does not “reach the spot” for good government in North Carolina suffers almost as much from the white men elected to office by negroes as from the negro officers themselves. The white men elected to office by negro votes has to pander to the negroes and make himself in his personal and official conduct very offensive to white men. To illustrate: that great man, the lamented Judge Armfield, related in his life time that he was holding court in one of the negro counties which had a Republican sheriff, whom we will call Bill Smith, for we have forgotten his true name. Judge Armfield said the sheriff was standing on the side walk in the county town one afternoon after the adjournment of court talking to a group of gentlemen, when one of the negro leaders of the county stopped his horse and called out to the sheriff “Bill Smith, d—n you, come and hold my horse while I go into Tom Jones’ barroom and get me a drink of liquor.” With a flushed face and a sheep killing-dog look the sheriff went and stood in front of the negro’s horse while the negro went into the barroom. The Democratic party don’t want white officer who owe their elevation to negro votes. It proposes to not only disqualify the negroes from holding office but to prevent them from voting as well. It wants white officers elected by white men, and good government, law and order in North Carolina demands nothing less.—EX

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