
Saturday, July 25, 2015

400 On Strike at Gastonia Mills, 1934

“Gastonia Mill Strike Hits 400” from the July 2, 1934 issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News

Workers in Dunn and Armstrong Textile Mills Walkout Protesting Alleged Injustice

Gastonia, July 2, (UP)—More than 400 workers of the Dann and Armstrong Textile Mills went on strike here today in sympathy with operatives of the Clara Manufacturing company, where a lockout has been in effect for the last eight weeks.

About 20 workers entered the Armstrong mill after running a gauntlet of booing and catcalling strikers. The machinery was started but the strikers claimed there were not enough men to keep it running.

The Dunn mill, half a block away, half a dozen men entered the plant, but the machines had not been started three hours after opening time.

City and county police were on guard at the mills.

There was an unconfirmed report that mill executives planned to import strike-breakers from the closed Monarch Mill at Dallas, N.C.

The Dunn, Armstrong and Clara Mills are under the same management. The Clara workers struck eight weeks ago in protest against several alleged injustices. All but one point of dispute has been settled by the state industrial relations board.

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