
Monday, July 27, 2015

Small Pox Practically Under Control in Beech Creek, Other Local News from Watauga County, 1907

Local news from the July 25, 1907 issue of the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C.

--Dr. Hodges tells us that the small pox cases on Beech Creek are all doing well, and he considers the disease practically under control.

--The Confederate Pension Board of Watauga county was in session again last Monday, and about 25 new names were added to the rolls.

--Brushy Fork and Boone again tried their hands at a match game of ball on the diamond here on Saturday evening last, which resulted in 37 to 20 in favor of Boone. The Boomer and High Briten teams will play our boys this evening and tomorrow evening.

--Prof Wiley H. Swift, Superintendent of the Greensboro Graded Schools, with his wife and child, is at his old home at Amantha for a rest during vacation.

--The Mt. Vernon choir sang for the Revs. Savage and Atkins who preached at Deerfield School house to a large congregation on Sunday evening last.

--The new Presbyterian Church at Blowing Rock was used for the first time last Sunday morning.

--Carpenter work on the inner part of the Episcopal church in Boone is progressing nicely and when completed will be very pretty indeed.

--Mrs. W.A. Watson of Lenoir is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Farthing on New river.

--The “Life of Welborn Walters” is wanted at this office. If you have it, write us.

--The Episcopal Convocation will meet at Valle Crucis on August 6th and 7th, during which time there will be confirmation and ordination.

--On Sunday, August the 11th Bishop Horner will preach at Blowing Rock at 11 a.m. and in the Episcopal church in Boone the same evening at 4 o’clock.

--Friend Gill Hodges of Cheyenne, Oklahoma, joined his family here on last Friday and will remain for several weeks. Gill is gladly welcomed back to his native hearth by his many friends and relatives here.

--Stuart Greer, an Ashe county boy who recently graduated at Grant University, Tennessee, delivered an address at the close of the public debate on Saturday night last. We did not hear it, but are told that it was a splendid production.

--Shepherd M. Dugger, who is getting out a very much revised and enlarged edition of his far-famed book “The Balsam Groves of the Grandfather” came over yesterday, delivered an interesting lecture at the A.T.S., and is still here in the interest of his book.

--Married in the parlor of the W.L. Bryan home, on yesterday morning, Mr. Lewis Conley of Denver, Colo., to Miss Stella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Mast of Valle Crucis, Rev. J.H. Brendall officiating. Immediately after the ceremony was performed the happy couple left for Denver where they will make their future home. We know nothing of the groom but he is certainly to be congratulated upon procuring for his bride this gem of the mountains.

--Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Edna Clyde Kilgo, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John C. Kilgo of Trinity College, to Kope Elias Jr. of Governor’s Island, Swain county, N.C., on Thursday evening, August 1, at 6 o’clock at the home of the bride, Trinity Park.

--Rev. P.J. Carraway, a member of the Western North Carolina conference, died at his home in Greensboro a few days ago.

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