
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Davis Springs Hotel Reduced to Ashes Within an Hour, 1925

From the Aug. 20, 1925 issue of The Landmark, Statesville, N.C.

Davis Springs Hotel Reduced to Ashes Within an Hour—Loss $40,000 With Around $12,000 Insurance

The Davis Springs hotel, widely known and popular summer resort near Hiddenite, was completely destroyed by fire Wednesday afternoon. The fire was first discovered in the kitchen roof about 2 o’clock, and the building was reduced to ashes within an hour. It is thought that the fire originated from a defective flue.

There were about 85 guests in the hotel at the time, most of whom saved their personal belongings. The hotel furnishings were a complete loss. The bowling alley, garages and other nearby buildings were consumed. The beautiful shade trees near the property were charred, and late yesterday afternoon forest fires were raging in the nearby woodlands to which the flames had spread from the burning building. The Davis residence on the elevation just above the hotel was saved.

There were no means of combating the flames which spread so rapidly and it was with difficulty that the guests were able to get out without injury. While most of the guests saved their personal effects, it was learned that many sustained losses.

The building contained 100 rooms, fully equipped. It has recently been enlarged and improved. The estimated value of the property was $40,000 with around $12,000 insurance. The present season, under the ownership of Dr. S.T. Crowson and Mr. H.T. Kelly of Taylorsville, has been the most successful so far the hotel has enjoyed. Dr. Crowson stated last Wednesday afternoon that he had no plans for the future, though he thought it likely that a new building will be erected in the same place.

The original Davis Springs hotel was built in 1904 by Rev. R. Lee Davis and his brother, Mr. Jeff  Davis. In 1912, Rev. Mr. Davis bought his brother’s interest and ran it himself for a number of years, during which time he had the building greatly enlarged and improved. Last fall Mr. Davis sold the property to Mr. H.T. Kelly and Dr. S.T. Crowson of Taylorsville.

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