
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Carolinas Cotton Crop, 1939

“Cotton Estimate Falls Below ’38 Yield,” from the August 8, 1939, issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News

Estimated Output for ’39 Put at 11,412,000—Last Year’s Output Was 11,943,000—Higher Output in Carolinas

Washington, Aug. 8—(AP)—The agriculture department forecast today a cotton crop of 11,412,000 of production in bales in its first estimate of this year’s production.

The estimate of production bales of 500 pounds gross weight was based on conditions as of August 1, and on the area n cultivation July 1, adjusted to abandonment. The cultivation area, less the 10-year average abandonment of acreage, was placed at 24,424,000 acres.


74 Per Cent of Normal
The condition of the crop August 1 was 74 per cent of normal, compared to 78 a year ago, and 70 the 1928-37 average.


The condition of the crop August 1 and indicated production by state follow:

Missouri, condition 90 per cent of normal and production 326,000 bales; Virginia 82 and 20,000; North Carolina 83 and 489,000; South Carolina 80 and 810,000; Georgia 72 and 1,000,000; Florida 62 and 17,000; Tennessee 74 and 430,000; Alabama 69 and 945,000.

Mississippi 72 and 1,612,000; Arkansas 80 and 1,316,000; Louisiana 79 and 702,000; Oklahoma 67 and 457,000; Texas 67 and 2,577,000; New Mexico 93 and 100,000; Arizona 92 and 174,000; California 95 and 419,000; Lower California (Old Mexico) 71 and 40,000. (Latter not included in California nor in United States total.)

The crop reporting board said that in the Carolinas and Georgia the prospective yields per acre this year were higher than in 1938, and also above the 10-year average.


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