
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Passerbys Lift Overturned Car, Free Pinned Templeton Children, 1925

From the Aug. 20, 1925 issue of The Landmark, Statesville, N.C.

Four Mooresville Young People Narrowly Escape Death When Buick Car Turns Over, Pinning Them Underneath

A disastrous automobile wreck occurred about one mile south of Mooresville late Tuesday afternoon when a Buick touring car occupied by the two daughters and two little sons of Mr. John Templeton, merchant of south Mooresville, was overturned and all four of the occupants pinned beneath.

The young people had started toward Charlotte and were said to have been passing another car on the paved road rendered slippery by the rain. It is thought that the young lady who was driving applied the brakes suddenly, causing the car to skid off the road and turn over. The top of the car was mashed flat, the windshield broken and one wheel torn off. The four were caught beneath and were screaming wildly for help when Messrs. Clyde Kelly and George Feild of Statesville, Bruce McNeely of Mooresville, and an army sergeant from Davidson College stopped at the scene of the wreckage and quickly lifted the car so as to release those who had been suddenly entrapped.

One of the young ladies was pretty seriously bruised and cut, but it is not thought that any permanent injuries will result. Mr. Feild and Mr. Kelly placed the four young people in their car and brought them back home.

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