
Monday, September 7, 2015

Billie Baskerville Killed by Train Near Henderson Cotton Mills, 1905

“Billie Baskerville Killed by Train,” from the Gold Leaf, Henderson, N.C., Thursday, Sept. 21, 1905

Billie Baskerville, a well known colored man of this town, was found dead by the side of the railroad track near the Henderson Cotton Mills Sunday morning. He had been struck by a passing train some time during the night and killed. Saturday afternoon he was drinking and when seen after dark he was considerably under the influence of liquor. He did not go home that night and it is not known just how or what time he was killed. The condition of the body indicated that he was struck and knocked from the track while in a sitting or standing position instead of being run over. Seven ribs on the left side were broken as was the shoulder. The neck bone just at the juncture of the skull was broken and there were a number of cuts and bruises on the head.

Billie Baskerville was an honest, industrious man and had a great many friends among white as well as colored people. He was good natured, kind hearted and accommodating, and his death under the tragic circumstances makes his taking off all the sadder. His weakness was an over indulgence in strong drink at times, but even while drinking he was polite, respectful and inoffensive and all who knew him liked him. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock and was largely attended.

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