
Friday, September 11, 2015

Frank Jeter Thanks Chambers of Commerce and Civic Clubs for Their Support of Agriculture, 1949

Fayetteville Observer, Sept. 20, 1949

This newspaper and others have replied in editorial theory to Governor Scott’s contention that Chambers of Commerce and civic clubs in North Carolina did little or nothing to aid agriculture.

But it remained for Frank H. Jeter, agricultural editor of North Carolina State College, to give the factual answer.

This answer he gave yesterday at the annual meeting of North Carolina Chamber of Commerce executives at Wilson. It was not a theoretical answer based on his belief. It was a factual answer based on a questionnaire he had sent to farm agents and others in a position to know in practically every North Carolina county.

They told Mr. Jeter that the assistance rendered farmers by Chambers of Commerce and civic clubs in North Carolina amounted to thousands of dollars annually. They told him that this money was not used entirely for contest prizes but that much of it was used for the actual improvement of farms and for livestock.

In view of Mr. Jeter’s factual replay, we get the impression that Governor Scott’s blast at the agricultural work done by Chambers of Commerce and civic clubs was based on Governor Scott’s personal theory, maybe on his personal prejudice.

Farm Editor Frank Jeter is not a man of prejudices, unless it be that he is prejudiced in favor of the farmers of North Carolina and prejudiced in favor of better farming in North Carolina.

He is a man who has devoted his life to transplanting the facts about better farming into interesting newspaper and magazine articles calculated to stimulate interest in better farming.

We hope sincerely that he is able to retain his job at N.C. State College.

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