
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Social News, Elizabeth City, Sept. 12, 1901

“Local and Personal” from Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 12, 1901

Mr. Hal Shaw spent Monday in the city.

Miss Ida J. Flora has returned to St. Mary’s in Raleigh.

Mr. Willis N. Gregory spent several days in Norfolk this week.

Mr. George Scott spent several days in Shawboro this week with Mr. Hal Shaw.

The Editor is spending the week near Belvidere assisting in a protracted meeting.

Mr. Ray Winder, who has been on a pleasure trip to Roanoke Island, returned Saturday.

Misses Lepine Reid and Jessie Jennings left for Louisburg Female College last week.

Mr. Guy Brockett, who has been spending the season at Nag’s Head, returned Monday.

Miss Gussie Kramer left Monday for Durham, where she will continue her course at Trinity.

The Misses Weeks are visiting northern points of interest, including the Buffalo Exposition.

Mrs. S.E. Speight who has been quite sick at her home on Fearing street is improving, we are glad to state.

Miss Rida, the charming daughter of Mr. G.F. Derrickson, left Monday to enter Greensboro Female College.

Miss Harry Arundell of Berkley, who has been on a visit to Miss Pattie Sanderlin, returned to her home last Saturday.

Rev. P.S.C. Davis will conduct prayer meeting service at Riverside Chapel Thursday night in the absence of the pastor.

Mr. Blucher Ehringhaus left last Thursday for Chapel Hill, where he will pursue a post-graduate course at the University.

Dr. Erskine Ehringhaus returned Thursday to Baltimore where he will further pursue his course at the Baltimore Dental College.

Mr. S. Oren Garrison of Belle Haven, Va., has arrived and taken charge of the mechanical department of the Fisherman & Farmer.

Mrs. Hattie Phelps and daughter, Mrs. Basnight of Plymouth, who have been on a visit to relatives in the city, have returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Sanderlin and Max Jr. have returned from an extended trip through Canada, taking in a number of our northern cities.

Rev. W.A. Ayers of Hertford, N.C., occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday morning and fairly captured the audience with his excellent sermon.

Mr. W.E. McCoy and daughter, Miss Florence, and little son Eddie of South Mills were welcome visitors here Thursday. While here they made us a very pleasant call.

Mrs. A.S. Neal has gone north to purchase her stock of fall millinery. She was accompanied by Misses Martha Sykes, Genevra Bell and Margaret Williams. The party will do the Pan-American before their return.

Miss Emma Willis and Mrs. Frank Willis went away Monday, the former to enter Greensboro Female Colle. Mr. Willis goes as principal of the graded schools in Washington this year.

Messrs Wood and Lister have purchased the entire stock of W.W. Morrisette & Co. for about $2,000 and will continue business at the present stand. They have ordered a lot of new goods and will sell for the very lowest prices. Watch for their “ad” next week.

Mr. Marvin Lister was a visitor in the city Monday.

Quite a crowd arrived Tuesday morning on steamer Neuse.

Miss Linda Spence is visiting relatives and friends in Norfolk.

Mr. Frank Eason of South Mills spent Friday here on business.

Mr. Luther Taylor of New Berne arrived on the steamer Neuse Tuesday morning.

Mr. Chas. R. Bell has returned from Baltimore and will open the oyster packing house Oct. 1st.

Messrs Joe Burgess and Clyde Crawford will leave soon for Asheboro to enter school at that place.

Mrs. Mae Guirkin who has been on a visit to her sister in Newport News, Va., returned home Tuesday.

Mr. Creighton Burgess, who has been confined to his home several days by sickness, is out again, we are glad to state.

Mrs. Nannie Dawson and daughter, Miss Fannie, who have spent the season at Nag’s Head, have returned home.

Miss Kate Leary, one of Edenton’s most charming young ladies, is in the city, the guest of Miss Gertrude Greenleaf.

Miss Clara Bond, one of Edenton’s most fascinating and charming daughters, returned to her home last week after a few weeks visit to Miss Gertie Greenleaf.

Oyster Supper at the Park
Miss Hallie Waters will give an Oyster Supper next Friday at the park (Capt. Sam Waters). The entertainment is kindly given for the benefit of the Baptist Chapel, and we hope will be liberally patronized.

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