
Thursday, September 24, 2015

'Talk of the Town' from Henderson, N.C., Sept. 21, 1905

“Talk of the Town,” from the Gold Leaf, Henderson, N.C., Thursday, Sept. 21, 1905

Mrs. Mary K. Crews of Wilson is visiting her niece Mrs. Jas. W. White.

Mr. Howard F. Jones of Wilson was a visitor to Henderson last week.

Warren court is in session this week. The Henderson bar is well represented.

Again whiskey has gotten in its deadly work. And yet there are no bar rooms in Henderson.

Miss Anna McLean of Jersey City Heights, N.J., is visiting Mrs. Edwin Stephens at “Vine Villa.”

Mrs. Irving J. Andrews and little son, of Greensboro, have been visiting the family of Capt. J.Y. Landis for the past week.

Next Saturday we will have the crowd with us. It will be circus day, and a circus always draws a crowd to Henderson.

School tickets and 10 cents will admit all school children to the Moving Picture Show at Cooper Opera House next Wednesday evening.

Miss Glenner Dale of Yadkin College is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R.R. Satterwhite, in Henderson, stopping over Monday on her return from Norfolk.

Miss Alice Powell returned last week from the Western part of the State where she had been for five or six weeks enjoying the mountain climate and scenery.

The Davis & Watkins Company announce their millinery opening on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The ladies cordially invited.

Oysters in all styles at all hours may be had at Dave’s Place, opposite the Seaboard Air Line passenger station. Nice rooms for transient customers and good meals for little money.

Mr. Tom Garrett is back at his place in the post office after a week’s vacation. Alert, clever and accommodating, he was missed while away and patrons of the office welcome his pleasing presence at his post again.

Mr. M.J. O’Neil went to New York last week to buy new goods. Judging from the quantity of stuff Mr. Clem Rodwell has been opening up for several days, he must have bought out a complete hardware store or two.

Claude D. Judd, executer of Dr. W.J. Judd, deceased, advertises to sell, privately, on the premises, one young milch cow, some shoats, one horse, buggy and wagon. Also lot of household furniture. Can be seen by calling at the residence on Fairground street any day.

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Pope of Madison, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. McNair, Mrs. Pope’s parents, in Henderson. They have been to Hot Springs, Ark., Asheville and New York, covering a period of several weeks and stopped over Monday on their way home.

A letter received from former Chief of Police R.A. Crockett, who recently went to Franklin, Pa., to take a position offered him there, states that he has a nice job and good pay. Mr. Crockett says Franklin is one of the prettiest places in the world and he thinks he will like to live there when he gets acquainted with the people.

D.W. Hardee has bought the lot on Main street adjoining the Fox property, opposite Railroad Square, of J.S. Burwell and will erect thereon a handsome two-story building 29 x 125 feet, with plate glass front, to be occupied by himself as a furniture store. Contractor Weaver, who is building the Graded School house, will do the work. The structure is to be completed by the first of January.

By mistake some one got the wrong umbrella from the Sunday-school room or after preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. New, with white or light colored bent (not round) hand piece, slightly knotted. Crooked, dark handle umbrella, as good as new, left in place of it. Exchange may be made by bringing to this office.

We are in receipt of the program of races to be given by the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society at its fair, commencing Tuesday, October 24th, at Weldon. Some attractive purses are offering, ranging from $50 to $150. Wednesday and Thursday will be the big days. Write to the secretary, Geo. E. Ransom, Weldon, N.C., for program and premium list.

The Rev. Geo. W. Butler, M.D., of Brazil, will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening. Dr. Butler is a North Carolinian and has been working in Brazil for the past 20 years, being one of the most honored and efficient missionaries of the Presbyterian church. He is both ordained minister and physician and has done a remarkable work in Brazil. There will be a treat for those who hear him Sunday. The public is cordially invited to be present.

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