
Friday, September 25, 2015

Textile Mill Strikers to be Turned Out of Homes, 1901

From Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1901

Columbia, S.C.—Textile Union No. 211, at its meeting declared a strike against the Olympia, Granby, Richland and Capital City Mills until the authorities rescinded their action forcing operatives to objure the union. The test of the union’s strength will be made when the mills open for work. The striking operatives declare that they have no fear of being idle indefinitely, but will not accept the positions that have been made their fight against the mills. It is understood that the textile union will have the sympathy of the Federation of Labor in the strike now on. Conservative estimates place the number of strikers at 900 or 1,000. It is expected that this number will be considerably augmented during the next week. The mill oficials to-day began the swearing out of warrants to eject the striking tenants from the dwelling houses which are owned by the mills and leased to the operatives for two weeks at a time.

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