
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Local News from Pee Dee, Oct. 5, 1922

Pee Dee News from the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, October 5, 1922

Pee Dee No. 2 Items
The McLendon prayer league met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Horne Saturday night and the teacher, Mr. J.W. Jenkins, was presented a nice Bible as a token of love and friendship by the members.

Sorry to say that Mr. H.C. Wallace has been on the sick list this week; hope he will soon recover.

Miss Daisy Jenkins entertained a number of her friends at a birthday supper Saturday night.

Rev. J.D. Hardy has purchased a Ford roadster.

We are glad to welcome to our village Mr. Locke Capel and family.

Mrs. Mary Russell was a pleasant visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Watt at Midway Saturday night.

Miss Mamie Thomas is visiting Mrs. W.T. Ussery of Lexington.

Mr. and Mrs. Furman Cross and Miss Ileen Honeycutt of Chesterfield are spending a few days with Miss Ethel Miles.

Mr. Fred Pressley spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. Samuel Snead.

Miss Myrtle Baldwin and Mr. Jesse Morse drove over to Ellerbe Sunday afternoon.


Pee Dee No. 1 Items
Mr. Fred Baucom and Miss Belle Rush were married Tuesday.

Little Louise Greene, child of Mr. A.L. Greene, was hurt by the jitney from Troy Friday evening.

Miss Gertie Hart is now clerking at Rosa’s 5-1-25 Cent store.

Mr. Octavius Webb was in our section Thursday on business.

Miss Emma Norton returned from Charlotte Wednesday night.

We are glad to note that Miss Ruth McIntosh’s foot is improving nicely.

There was a rally day program at the Presbyterian church Sunday night, presented by the children. We all enjoyed Mr. Hardy’s address.

Mr. J.E. Jarmon is now working at Long’s Furniture store.

We are sorry to note that Mr. L.L. Boone is sick with malaria fever.


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